Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.장르교향곡,연주회화랑,갤러리낭송회개최지,행사장소genresymphonygalleryrecitalvenue [v§nJu;]What’s your favorite film genre?I have season tickets to the symphony.I’d like to show my painting in a gallery.I’m giving a poetry recital tonight.This is the perfect venue for our event.1. 네가가장좋아하는영화장르가뭐니?2. 내게교향악단연주회정기입장권이있어.3. 내그림을화랑에서보여주고싶다.4. 나는오늘밤시낭송회를연다.5. 여기가우리행사를하기에최적의장소이다.B. Types of Questions: Arts and Culturea. Main Idea What show did they go to last night?What is the purpose of the announcement?b. Inference What is a painter’s venue called?How does she feel about horror movies?c. Cause and Effect Why was the show cancelled?Why did they miss the recital?d. Facts and Details What kind of event are they announcing?When does the last train leave?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: Did you go to a concert last night?W: Yeah, I heard Beethoven’s Fifth.M: Me, too. Wasn’t it fantastic?1. What show did they go to last night? __________ ❶번역M 어젯밤콘서트에갔니?W 그래,베토벤교향곡5번을들었어.M 나도그랬어.환상적이지않았니?1.이들은어젯밤에어떤공연을보러갔는가?교향곡We’d like to announce that on the evening of the 3rd, there will bea poetry reading. Admission is three dollars and snacks are provided.2. What kind of event are they announcing? __________ ❹W: My brother’s paintings are showing in the gallery tomorrow.W: That’s great! It’s his first show as a painter.M: Yeah, I’m so proud of him.번역 WM3. What is a painter’s venue called? __________ ❸A symphony A film A gallery A recital❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역3일저녁에시낭송회가있다는것을발표하고자합니다.입장권은3달러이며,간식이제공됩니다.2.이들은어떤종류의행사를발표하고있는가?시낭송회내일우리오빠그림을갤러리에서전시해.멋있는데!화가로서처음전시회구나.W 그래,나는오빠가자랑스러워.3.화가의행사장소를무엇이라부르는가?갤러리88

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