Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.(입장권의)반쪽줄매진저녁초연커튼,막stubThe man <strong>by</strong> the door tore the ticket and gaveback the stub.row Our seats are in row G.sold outI’m sorry, the last show is sold out.opening night We’ll never get a ticket on opening night.curtain The curtain goes up at 7:30.1. 문옆에있던남자가입장권을뜯고는반쪽을돌려주었다.2. 우리좌석은G열이다.3. 죄송하지만,마지막공연은매진입니다.4. 우리는저녁첫공연입장권을절대로구하지못할것이다.5. 7시30분에막이오른다.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Is opening night sold out? (A) The show should startany minute.2. What time does the curtain go up? (B) Nobody I know of.3. May I take your ticket please? (C) No, not yet.4. Who’s sitting in this row? (D) Here you are.1. 저녁초연입장권이매진되었나요?2. 몇시에막이오르나요?3. 입장권좀주시겠어요?4. 이줄에누가앉죠?(A) 곧시작할겁니다.(B) 제가알기로는비어있어요.(C) 아니오,아직.(D) 여기있어요.86C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Where should we meet?(B) How about at the _______.(A) 어디서만날까요?(B) 입구에서만나는게어때요?2. (A) Did you reserve the _______?(B) Oh shoot, I forgot.(A) 좌석을예약하셨나요?(B) 이런,깜빡잊었어요.3. (A) Are there any front row seats left?(B) I’m sorry, they’re _______.(A) 앞쪽줄에남은좌석이있나요?(B) 죄송하지만,좌석이다찼습니다.4. (A) What is that little piece of paper?(B) That’s an old _______ from a concertI saw.(A) 저작은종이조각은뭔가요?(B) 제가예전에본콘서트입장권반쪽이에요.NoteNotefountain/box office/counter/entrancetickets/seats/row/restaurantreserved/sold out/all gone/cancelledticket/stub/pass/flyer분수대/매표소/계산대/입구입장권/좌석/줄/식당예약되어있는/매진된/다나간/취소된입장권/반쪽/승차권/전단

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