Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 9. ScienceExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why is the woman so happy?(A) The experiment was successful.번역√2. When did Archimedes take his famous bath?(A) 250 years ago(B) 250 BC번역3. What time of day is it now?(A) Morning번역√여자는왜기분이좋은가?(A) 실험이성공적이어서 (B) 물이남아있지않아서아르키메데스는언제그유명한목욕을했는가?(A) 250년전에 (B) 기원전250년에지금은하루중어느때인가?(A) 오전 (B) 오후(B) There was no water left.(B) Afternoon4. When should you wear safety goggles?(A) Whenever there’s danger (B) At all times번역언제보안경을써야하는가?(A) 위험할때 (B) 언제나T e s t√√1. (W) What do the results say?(M) There are 6 liters of water left.(W) I can’t believe it worked!번역 (W) 결과가어떻게나왔나요?(M) 물이6리터가남았어요.(W) 성공했다니믿을수가없어요!2. (M) In the year 250 BC, Archimedes noticedthat the water level rose as he sat downin his bath tub. This led to his famousTheory of Floatation.번역 (M) 기원전250년에아르키메데스는욕조에앉았을때수위가올라가는걸알아챘다.이렇게해서유명한부력의원리가생겨났다.3. (M) The experiment should take about4 more hours.(W) But the lab report is due at 1p.m.!(M) Don’t worry. We’ll have 30번역minutes to write it.(M) 이실험은4시간이더걸려.(W) 하지만실험보고서는오후1시까지야!(M) 걱정하지마.남은30분동안쓸수있을거야.4. (W) Your safety goggles are for yourprotection and should be worn at alltimes. If you only wear them whenyou think there is danger, then youcould easily get injured. Please donot take them off.번역 (W) 여러분의 보안경은 안전을 위한 것이므로 항상착용해야 합니다.위험하다고 생각할 때에만착용하면 쉽게 다칠 수 있습니다.보안경을 벗지마십시오.Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why does she help him?(A) He wrote the hypothesis.(C) He’s a new student.번역√여자는왜남자를도와주는가?(A) 그가가설을썼다.(B) 사람들도와주는것을좋아한다.(C) 그는신입생이다.(D) 그녀는신입생이다.2. Who is the passage about?(A) Einstein(C) Edison번역누구에관한이야기인가?(A) 아인슈타인 (B) 뉴턴 (C) 에디슨 (D) 갈릴레오3. What does the man suggest?(A) Changing the hypothesis(C) Cheating번역√남자는무엇을제안하는가?(A) 가설을바꾸는것(C) 부정행위(B) 더나은이론을구상하는것(D) 보안경을착용하는것(B) She likes to help people.(D) She’s a new student.√(B) Newton(D) Galileo1. (M) I’ve never written a lab report before.(W) You must be new. Do you need somehelp?(M) Thanks, that’s very nice of you.번역 (M) 저는실험보고서를써본적이없어요.(W) 신입생이군요.도움이필요하나요?(M) 고마워요,참친절하시네요.2. (W) A famous story about Sir Isaac Newtonis about how he thought of the theoryof gravity. They say an apple hit himon the head while he was sleepingunder a tree.번역 (W) 아이작뉴턴경에관한유명한이야기는그가중력의법칙을발견하게된경위에관한것이다.그가사과나무밑에서잠을자고있을때사과하나가그의머리위에떨어졌다고한다.(B) Making up a better theory(D) Using goggles3. (W) I forgot to finish the lab report.(M) Here, look at mine.(W) I can’t do that. It’s wrong.번역 (W) 실험보고서끝내는걸잊었어.(M) 여기,내것을봐.(W) 그렇게는할수없어.그건옳지않아.81

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