Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 9. ScienceExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.1. (A) Well, so do you.√(B) I passed.2. (A) Yes, I can.√(B) No, I didn’t.√3. (A) There are nine.(B) Yes, there is.√4. (A) On Thursday.(B) Yes, I did.What did you get on the biology test?번역 생물학시험에서뭘받았니?(A) 너도그렇구나.(B) 합격했어.Did you get the answer for number 7?번역 7번문제답을찾았니?(A) 예,난할수있어요.(B) 아니오,못찾았어요.How many planets are in our solar system?번역 우리태양계에는몇개의행성이있니?(A) 9개요.(B) 예,있어요.When is our physics homework due?번역 물리학과제를언제까지제출해야하지?(A) 목요일이야.(B) 그래,했어.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√√2. (A) (B) (C)3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Einstein won the Nobel prize.(A) Yeah, he was brilliant.(B) Yeah, I studied physics.(C) That’s my workbook.아인슈타인은노벨상을탔어.(A) 그래,그는정말훌륭해.(B) 그래,난물리학을공부했어.(C) 그건내연습장이야.3. Would you like to study astronomyin college?(A) That’s what I study!(B) Oh, my school doesn’t.(C) Maybe a basic course.대학에서천문학을공부하고싶니?(A) 그게내가공부하는거야!(B) 우리학교는안그래.(C) 기초과정으로.번역번역2. Didn’t you bring your lab report?(A) There are seven of them.(B) Share with a friend.(C) It’s not due until tomorrow.실험보고서를안가져왔니?(A) 7개있어.(B) 친구와같이봐라.(C) 내일까지내는거야.4. Please state your name thenbegin speaking.(A) So we do.(B) Yes sir.(C) It’s on page 3.얘기하기전에이름을먼저말씀하세요.(A) 우리는정말그렇게해요.(B) 예,선생님.(C) 3쪽에있어요.79

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