Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.행성중력진술하다,말하다훌륭한만기가된,~하기로되어있는planetgravitystatebrilliantbe due1. 우리행성의이름은지구이다.2. 중력은물체가아래로떨어지게한다.3. 결과를분명하게진술하세요.Our planet’s name is Earth.Gravity makes things fall.Please state your results clearly.Faraday was a brilliant scientist.The report is due tomorrow.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Can I borrow your textbook? (A) We haven’t studiedthat yet.2. When is our homework due? (B) She’s brilliant.3. How do you like the physics teacher? (C) Right after lunch.4. Do you know the names of all the planets? (D) Sure, it’s over there.1. 교과서좀빌려줄래?2. 숙제언제까지내야하니?3. 물리선생님어떠니?4. 행성의이름을다알고있니?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.4. 페러데이는훌륭한과학자였다.5. 보고서는내일까지내야한다.(A) 그건아직공부하지않았어.(B) 그녀는훌륭해.(C) 점심시간끝날때까지야.(D) 물론,저기있어.Note1. (A) Can you tell me about the moon?(B) Well, it’s a satellite, not a/an _______.(A) 달에관해말해주시겠어요?(B) 음,그건항성이아니라위성이에요.2. (A) What did that scientist discover?(B) I think he came up with the _______.(A) 저과학자는무엇을발견했니?(B) 중력의법칙을발견할걸로알고있어.3. (A) I got an “F” on the physics test.(B) Well, why don’t you study _______.(A) 물리학시험에서F맞았어.(B) 그럼,더열심히공부하지그러니.4. (A) Edison was a _______ man.(B) Yeah, I read his biography.해설(A) 에디슨은아주재미있는사람이었어.(B) 맞아,난그의전기를읽었어.2. come up with ~인출하다,제안하다4. fascinating 매혹적인,반하게만드는Notestar/comet/planet/asteroidTheory of Evolution/Law of Gravity/speed of lightbetter/harder/more/at nightbrilliant/complicated/ingenious/fascinating항성/혜성/행성/소행성진화론/중력의법칙/빛의속도더잘/더열심히/더많이/밤에훌륭한/복잡한/천재적인/매력적인78

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