Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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DictationListen and complete the sentences.1. Do you _________ any _________ _________ tomorrow_________?Do you have any spare time tomorrow evening?번역내일저녁시간이한가하니?2. My _________ _________ in _________ _________ skiing.My favorite pastime in winter is skiing. 번역 겨울에내가가장좋아하는취미활동은스키를타는거야.3. _________ you _________ how to _________ _________ andDo you know how to sketch animals and people? 번역 동물이나인물스케치하는법아니?people?4. I like _________ a zoom _________ when taking _________ of_________.I just bought the new biography about the President.번역 나는인물사진을찍을때줌렌즈사용하는것을좋아한다.해설zoom lens 영상을확대,축소하기위해초점거리를바꿀수있는렌즈5. I like to _________ _________ and _________ on the _________.I like to lounge around and sleep on the weekends. 번역 나는주말에빈둥거리거나잠을자는것을좋아한다.6. _________ like to _________ _________ more than non-fiction.I like to read novels more than non-fiction. 번역 나는논픽션보다소설읽는것을더좋아한다.7. Why _________ we _________ _________ at the __________________ this afternoon?Why don’t we hang out at the rec center this afternoon?번역오늘오후에오락센터에가서노는게어때?8. _________ is _________ athletic and likes to _________ most ofher _________ _________ playing _________.번역그녀는운동을아주좋아하며대부분의여가시간에스포츠를즐긴다.She is very athletic and likes to spendmost of her free time playing sports.9. That _________ is _________ _________ for _________ .That shovel is not useful for gardening. 번역 저삽은정원손질에별쓸모가없다.10. I just _________ the new _________ about the _________.I just bought the new biography about the President. 번역 나는방금그대통령에관한새전기를샀다.

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