Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 8. LeisureExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is her main pastime?(A) Gardening번역2. What is the speaker talking about?(A) How she will spend the weekend번역√여자의주요취미활동은?(A) 정원손질 (B) 스포츠이사람은무엇에관해말하고있는가?(A) 주말을어떻게보낼것인지 (B) 지난주말을어떻게보냈는지(B) Playing sports(B) How she spent last weekend3. Why can’t the man go to the dance class?(A) He doesn’t know how to dance. (B) He has to study.번역남자는왜춤강좌에갈수없는가?(A) 춤을출줄모른다.(B) 공부해야한다.4. Which kind of lens does the speaker like to use?(A) A colored lens(B) A zoom lens번역이사람은어떤종류의렌즈를사용하기를좋아하는가?(A) 칼라렌즈 (B) 줌렌즈T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is his favorite pastime?(A) He likes to be in his house.(B) He doesn’t have any free time.(C) √ He likes to go hiking in the forest.(D) He likes to read biographies.번역그가가장좋아하는취미활동은?(A) 집에있는것을좋아한다.(C) 숲에서하이킹하는걸좋아한다.(B) 여가시간이없다.(D) 전기읽기를좋아한다.2. Which class would the man prefer to take?(A) Dancing(B) Hiking(C) Photography(D) Outdoor survival번역남자는어떤강좌를더수강하고싶어하는가?(A) 춤 (B) 하이킹 (C) 사진 (D) 야외서바이벌3. What will they do next?(A) Go to the rec center(B) √ Play the woman’s video game(C) Play the game he got for his birthday(D) Lounge around in the backyard번역이들은다음에무엇을할까?(A) 오락센터에간다.(C) 그의생일날받은게임을한다.(B) 여자의비디오게임을한다.(D) 뒤뜰을거닌다.√√√√1. (M) What do you like to do in your spare time?(W) Well, I’m athletic, so I like to play manysports.(M) You must be really healthy.번역 (M) 여가시간에뭘하기를좋아하나요?(W) 음,저는운동을좋아해서많은스포츠를즐겨요.(M) 정말건강하겠군요.2. (W) This weekend, I have to work Saturdaymorning, but then Saturday evening, I havesome free time. I’m going out to dinnerand a movie with my sister. Sunday, I’m justgoing to lounge around and relax.번역번역(W) 이번주말에는토요일오전에일을해야하지만,저녁에는약간한가해요.언니와외식을하고영화를볼거예요.일요일에는그냥거닐면서쉴거예요.3. (W) Hey! Do you want to come to my hip hopclass tomorrow?(M) No, sorry I can’t. I don’t have any sparetime because I need to study for an exam.(W) Oh, well, maybe next time.(W) 내일내힙합강좌에오고싶니?.(M) 미안하지만안돼.시험공부를해야하기때문에시간이없어.(W) 그럼,다음에와.4. (M) I really like to take black and white photoswith a zoom lens. I find that I’m able tocapture the personality of the person better.I also like the effect of the shadows.번역 (M) 나는줌렌즈로흑백사진을찍는것이정말좋아요.그렇게하면인물의개성을더잘포착할수있거든요.또음영효과도좋아해요.1. (M) Probably my favorite thing to do in my sparetime is go hiking. There are several beautifulparks around my house where I can spendmany hours walking in the forest.번역 (M) 한가할때제가가장좋아하는취미활동은아마하이킹일겁니다.저희집주변에아름다운공원이몇개있어서숲속을걸으면서여러시간을보낼수있어요.2. (W) Do you want to take a dance class or a classin outdoor survival?(M) I think I would rather take a class inoutdoor survival. I spend more time hikingthan dancing.(W) Yes. I guess the survival class would be번역more useful.(W) 춤강좌나야외서바이벌강좌를수강하고싶어요?(M) 야외서바이벌강좌가더좋겠어요.춤보다는하이킹을하며시간을더보내니까요.(W) 그래요.서바이벌강좌가더유용하겠네요..3. (M) Do you want to head to the rec center touse their volleyball courts?(W) I want to play video games. I just got anew one for my birthday that I’m prettyexcited about.(M) That sounds like fun. Can you teach mehow to play it?번역 (M) 오락센터에가서배구코트를사용하길원하나요?(W) 비디오게임을하고싶어요.생일날새것을선물로받아서정말신이나요.(M) 재미있겠군요.어떻게하는지가르쳐줄래요?73

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