Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.오락,취미활동오락센터,휴양시설거닐다,돌아다니다,어슬렁거리다(운동)경기의,튼튼한포착하다pastimerec (recreation) centerlounge aroundathleticcaptureShe enjoys outdoor pastimes like hiking andgardening.The rec center has a gym, weight room, andactivity room.I’m just going to lounge around my houseand relax.He is very athletic. He is good at all sports.His sketch really captured the woman’spersonality.1. 그녀는하이킹이나정원손질과같은야외취미활동을좋아한다.2. 오락센터에는체육관과웨이트트레이닝룸및연습실이있다.B. Types of Questions: Leisure3. 나는이제집주변을거닐며쉴생각이다.4. 그는아주튼튼하다.그는모든스포츠에능숙하다.5. 그의스케치는그여자의개성을잘포착했다.a. Main Idea What activity does she like to do in her spare time?What is her main pastime?b. Inference How does the man feel?What is the speaker talking about?c. Cause and Effect Why does she like to hang out at the rec center?Why can’t the man go to the dance class?d. Facts and Details What does the woman have to study for?Which kind of lens does the speaker like to use?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: Do you have your jewelry making class tonight? WM: Yes, I do. Why?W: I was wondering if you could help me study for my English test.1. What does the woman have to study for? __________ ❷번역W 오늘밤보석가공강좌가있니?M 그래,있어.왜?내영어시험공부하는걸네가도와줄수있을까궁금했거든.1.여자는무엇을공부해야하는가?영어시험72I don’t have any spare time during the week. But on the weekends Ilike to meet my friends at the rec center. We can play table tennis orpool there.번역2. Why does she like to hang out at the rec center? __________ ❹M: What do you want to do tonight?W: I’m really tired. I think I just want to lounge around the house.M: Oh. That’s too bad. I really wanted to go out with you tonight.3. How does the man feel? __________ ❸나는주중에는한가한시간이없다.하지만주말에는오락센터에서친구들을만나는것을좋아한다.우리는거기서탁구를하거나당구를칠수있다.2.그녀는왜오락센터에서노는것을좋아하는가?탁구장이있어서M 오늘밤뭘하고싶니?W 정말피곤해.그냥집근처를거닐고싶어.M 안됐다.오늘밤너와외출하고싶었는데.3.남자는어떤기분인가?실망했다Happy An English test Disappointed It has table tennis.❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역해설• play pool(= billards)당구

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