Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Review 16. What does this advice refer to?(A) Cooking delicious food(C) Giving a presentation번역√무엇에관한조언인가?(A) 맛있는음식요리(C) 발표하기7. What will the man do next?(A) √ Close the window(C) Pass on some information번역남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 창문을닫는다.(C) 정보를알려준다.(B) Getting good grades(D) Holiday safety8. How does the committee feel about Dr. Martin?(A) √ He is a good candidate.(B) He knows the subject well.(C) He should work in another department.(D) He is too nice.번역번역위원회는마틴박사에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 그는좋은후보자다.(C) 그는다른부서에서일해야한다.9. What did the woman’s boyfriend think?(A) Her food was not nutritious.(B) The party was very festive.(C) They should socialize more.(D) They did not have similar personalities.번역√여자의남자친구는어떻게생각했는가?(A) 그녀의음식이영양가가없다.(C) 사람들과좀더어울려야한다.(B) 학점을잘받는법(D) 휴가중안전(B) 창문가까이앉는다.(D) 아무것도하지않는다.(B) 그는그분야를잘안다.(D) 그는너무착하다.(B) 파티가아주화려하다.(D) 두사람성격이비슷한데가없다.6. (W) I have a few suggestions for you. The next timeyou give a presentation, make an outline of yourpoints. Don’t write the whole thing out and thenjust read it. Also, take a few minutes at the end(B) Sit close to the window(D) Nothing10. Where does the woman probably work?(A) In a coffee shop(B) √ In a recording studio(C) In a stocking factory (D) In an elementary school번역to recap your most important points.(W) 제안할것이몇가지있어요.다음에발표를할때에는개요를말해주세요.전체를다쓴다음그냥읽지말고요.또끝낼때몇분시간을내서가장중요한부분을요약하세요.7. (W) Would you mind doing a favor for me?(M) Not at all. What is it?(W) Could you shut that window?번역 (W) 부탁좀들어주세요.(M) 물론이죠.뭐죠?(W) 창문좀닫아주시겠어요?8. (M) The members of the committee believe Dr.Martin is the best candidate for the position.Therefore, we are going to support him duringthe next election for mayor.(M) 위원회의회원들은마틴박사가그자리에맞는최고의후보라고믿습니다.따라서우리는다음시장선거에서그를지지할것입니다.9. (M) Why did the two of you break up?(W) He said that we didn’t have enough in common.(M) He is right, you know.번역 (M) 너희둘은왜헤어졌니?(W) 그사람이우리는공통점이없대.(M) 너도알다시피그말이맞아.10. (W) I think we need to record that song again.This time when you sing, don’t hold themike so close. Try to keep it about six to ten번역centimeters away from your mouth.(W) 그노래를다시한번녹음하는게좋겠어요.이번에노래를할때에는마이크를너무가까이잡지말아요.입으로부터약6에서10센티미터떼어봐요.번역여자는어디에서일하고있을까?(A) 커피숍(C) 스타킹공장(B) 녹음실(D) 초등학교65

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