Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Review 1PART III. Short Conversations & TalksListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What will the woman do next?(A) √ Get candy with her friends(C) Make a list번역여자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 친구들과사탕을얻으러간다.(C) 목록을만든다.(B) Set up decorations(D) Cook a treat for the man2. How does the woman feel about the camera man?(A) He is boring.(B) He is handsome.(C) He is very professional. (D) He makes mistakes.번역여자는촬영기사에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 따분하다.(C) 전문가답다.3. Which is a new part of the curriculum?(A) A new section for the final exam(B) Fewer tests(C) √ More writing assignments(D) Two extra courses per day번역커리큘럼에서새로운대목은?(A) 기말시험을위한새로운부분(C) 더많은작문과제4. Who are these speakers?(A) A customer and a sales clerk(C) A student and a teacher번역√이들은누구인가?(A) 고객과판매원(C) 학생과교사(B) 장식을한다.(D) 남자를위해단것을만든다.(B) 잘생겼다.(D) 실수를한다.√(B) 시험횟수축소(D) 하루에2개의보충강좌(B) 운전사와경찰관(D) 여종업원과관리자5. What happened?(A) She did not put in enough cream.(B) She cooked the food too long.(C) √ She put in the cream too early.(D) She made too many servings.번역무슨일이벌어졌는가?(A) 그녀는크림을충분히넣지않았다.(C) 그녀는크림을너무일찍넣었다.(B) 그녀는음식을너무오래조리했다.(D) 그녀는음식을너무많이만들었다.1. (W) Aren’t you going to go trick or treatingwith us?(M) No way. Trick or treating is for kids.(W) Well, I’m not too old for it, so I’m going.번역(W) 우리와함께사탕얻으러동네를돌아다니지않을래?(M) 안돼.그건애들이하는거야.(W) 글쎄,나는그렇게나이먹지않았으니갈거야.2. (W) I thought the interview went very well,but you should fire your camera man.(M) Why? What did he do wrong?(W) He kept moving the camera. It wasterrible.번역 (W) 인터뷰는잘된것같지만촬영기사를해고하세요.(M) 왜요?그가뭘잘못했죠?(W) 그가계속카메라를흔들었어요.끔찍했어요.3. (M) We have made a few changes to ourcurriculum since last semester. Starting inthe spring, we are going to require studentsto complete three essays over the semester.We hope this will help develop our students’writing ability more.번역 (M) 지난학기이후로커리큘럼을많이변경했습니다.시작하는봄학기부터는학생들에게학기당3편의에세이를완성하도록할계획입니다.이것이학생들의작문실력을더향상시키는데도움이되길바랍니다.(B) A driver and a police officer(D) A waitress and a manager4. (M) How do you explain your behavior inclass this morning, young woman?(W) Jennifer and Melissa made me do it.(M) Peer pressure is no excuse.번역 (M) 학생,오늘아침수업중행동을어떻게설명할건가요?(W) 제니퍼와멜리사가시켰어요.(M) 친구때문에그랬다는것은변명이되지않아요.5. (M) Did you already pour the cream intothe sauce?(W) Yes, I did. Wasn’t I supposed to do that?(M) No. The cream goes in after we boil thesauce.번역 (M) 크림을벌써소스에부었나요?(W) 예,부었어요.그렇게하면안되나요?(M) 안되요.크림은소스를끓인다음에넣는거예요.64

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