Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Review 17. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The girl has a present behind her back.(B) The woman is telling the girl the answer.(C) There are lots of sweets in the stocking.(D) They are attaching a sign to the fountain.(A) 소녀는등뒤에선물을감추고있다.(B) 여자는소녀에게대답하고있다.(C) 스타킹속에사탕이많이있다.(D) 이들은분수대에표지판을부착하고있다.PART II. Questions & ResponsesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√√√√2. (A) (B) (C)3. (A) (B) (C)4. (A) (B) (C)5. (A) (B) (C)√√6. (A) (B) (C)7. (A) (B) (C)√√8. (A) (B) (C)9. (A) (B) (C)√10. (A) (B) (C)번역번역번역번역번역1. Do you recognize thatcompany’s spokesperson?(A) He used to playprofessional baseball.(B) It was in the headlines.(C) We aren’t speaking to번역each other.저회사광고모델알아보겠어?(A) 그는프로야구선수였어.(B) 머릿기사에있었어.(C) 우리는서로얘기하지않는다.3. How was your family reunion?(A) Everyone will be there.(B) Next summer.(C) We had a great time.번역가족모임은어땠니?(A) 모두거기올거야.(B) 다음여름에.(C) 좋은시간을보냈어.5. Where were you yesterday?(A) It was on the shelf all along.(B) Not right now, thanks.(C) Skipping class.번역어제너는어디에있었니?(A) 그건내내선반위에있었어.(B) 지금은말고,고마워.(C) 결석했어.7. How can I get in touch with her?(A) Here is her email address.(B) Look it up in the phone book.(C) No, she didn’t touch it.그녀에게어떻게연락하죠?번역(A) 여기이메일주소가있어요.(B) 그걸전화번호부에서찾아봐요.(C) 아니,그녀는만지지않았어요.9. That course is pretty hard,isn’t it?(A) It just started.(B) It sure is.(C) It’s optional.그강의는아주어렵지않니?(A) 방금시작했어.(B) 정말그래.(C) 선택과목이야.번역2. When are you heading to yourgrandparents’ house?(A) She cooked a turkey.(B) They will deliver it to our house.(C) Tomorrow afternoon.조부모님댁에언제가니?(A) 그녀는칠면조를요리했어.(B) 그들은우리집으로그것을배달해줄거야.(C) 내일오후에.4. Can you tell me where theCustoms Office is?(A) Both passports and IDs.(B) Yes, you can.(C) On the second floor.세관이어디에있는지말씀해주시겠어요?(A) 여권과신분증이요.(B) 그래,너는할수있어.(C) 2층에있어요.6. What kind of party was it?(A) A housewarming party.(B) At 7 p.m. at Donna’s house.(C) I have to buy a present.어떤종류의파티였나요?(A) 집들이파티였어요.(B) 도나의집에서저녁7시예요.(C) 선물을사야해요.8. Are you doing anything specialover the holiday?(A) Hold this firecracker for me.(B) I’ll just hang out with my friends.(C) Just a few days, I’m afraid.휴일에특별히할일있나요?(A) 이폭죽을나대신들고있어요.(B) 그냥친구들과어울려놀거예요.(C) 유감스럽게도며칠밖에안돼요.10. Should I have an apple or somecandy for a snack?(A) Fruit is more nutritious.(B) I’ll give you a treat.(C) No, you shouldn’t.간식으로사과를먹을까,캔디를먹을까?(A) 과일이영양가가있지.63(B) 내가단것을줄게.(C) 아니,안돼.

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