Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. I’m _________ _________ California for the _________ holidays.I’m heading to California for the summer holidays. 번역 나는여름방학때캘리포니아로간다.2. I _________ the _________ _________. Do you _________ to go_________ for _________?I have the evening off. Do you want to go out for dinner? 번역 나는저녁때쉽니다.외식을할까요?3. I love _________ _________ _________ Valentine’s Day.I love eating sweets on Valentine’s Day. 번역 나는발렌타인데이에달콤한것먹는것을좋아해요.4. _________ are you _________ _________ spring _________?What are you doing over spring break? 번역 봄방학때무엇을할거니?5. Does _________ culture do anything _________ on __________________ _________?번역 너희문화에서는새해첫날에특별한행사가있니?Does your culture do anything special on New Year’s Day?6. Our _________ likes to _________ turkey _________ stuffing_________ Christmas.번역 우리가족은크리스마스때속채운칠면조고기먹는걸좋아한다.Our family likes to eat turkey and stuffing at Christmas.7. _________ children go _________ or _________ _________Halloween.Many children go trick or treating on Halloween.번역 많은아이들이핼러윈때사탕을얻으려고이웃집을돌아다닌다.8. What are _________ going to _________ your _________ for_________ _________?What are you going to give your husband for Father’s Day? 번역 아버지날에남편에게무엇을줄생각이세요?9. _________ _________ _________ wrapped in festive __________________ _________ paper.번역 선물은화려한빨간색과녹색종이로포장되어있었다.The present was wrapped in festive red and green paper.10. How _________ do you _________ _________ _________ Easter?How long do you have off for Easter? 번역 부활절에얼마 동안쉬니?

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