Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 7. HolidaysExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What are the speakers doing?(A) Cooking dinner번역T e s t(B) Planning dinner2. What does the speaker do on Remembrance Day?(A) She honors soldiers.(B) She wears red clothes.번역√3. How does the man feel?(A) Embarrassed번역(B) Unhappy4. What did they do after carving the pumpkins?(A) Collected candy(B) Watched a movie번역√이들은무엇을하고있는가?(A) 저녁식사요리 (B) 저녁식사계획√영령기념일에이사람은무엇을하는가?(A) 군인들을추모한다.(B) 빨간옷을입는다.남자의기분은어떤가?(A) 당혹스럽다.(B) 언짢다.호박을조각한다음이들은무엇을했는가?(A) 사탕모으기 (B) 영화보기√1. (M) What do you think we should makefor dinner?(W) Well, Christmas is pretty special, solet’s make something we don’tusually have.(M) How about lamb this year?번역 (M) 저녁식사로무엇을만드는게좋을까요?(W) 음,크리스마스는특별하니까평소에먹지않던것으로하죠.(M) 올해는양고기가어때요?2. (W) Usually for Remembrance Day, wewear red poppies on our clothes.Then we go watch the ceremony toremember the soldiers who foughtin wars.번역(W) 휴전기념일에우리는보통옷에다붉은양귀비꽃을답니다.그다음에전쟁에서싸운군인들을추모하는행사를보러갑니다.3. (W) How long do you have off forthe summer holidays?(M) Only 1 month. I’m disappointedbecause most students get 2months off.(W) I’m so sorry to hear that.번역(W) 여름방학때며칠이나쉬니?(M) 한달밖에쉬지못해서실망이야.대부분학생들은두달쉬거든.(W) 듣고보니안됐구나.4. (M) For Halloween, my friends and Ibought several large pumpkins tocarve. Then we went trick or treatingaround the neighborhood.번역 (M) 핼러윈때내친구들과나는조각을할커다란호박몇개을샀다.그다음에우리는“트릭오어트릿”을했다.Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why does the woman only get one month off?(A) She wants to finish her courses early.(B) She has to go to summer school to improve her English.(C) She has to work over the summer.번역√(D) She has to go to summer school to improve her math.여자는왜한달밖에쉬지못하는가?(A) 과정을일찍끝내길원한다.(C) 여름동안일을해야한다.2. What holiday is the speaker talking about?(A) Remembrance Day(B) Thanksgiving(C) Christmas(D) Valentine’s Day번역√어떤휴일에대한이야기인가?(A) 휴전기념일 (B) 추수감사절 (C) 크리스마스 (D) 발렌타인데이(B) 영어실력을키우기위해여름학교를다녀야한다.(D) 수학실력을키우기위해여름학교를다녀야한다.3. Why isn’t the man’s family going to have ham this Easter?(A) His family usually has turkey for Easter.(B) √ The grandmother doesn’t like ham.(C) They can’t find a ham.번역(D) They are heading to their grandmother’s place.번역남자의가족은왜이번부활절에햄을먹지않을까?(A) 그의가족은부활절에보통칠면조를먹는다.(C) 햄을구할수없다.(B) 할머니가햄을좋아하지않는다.(D) 이들은할머니댁에간다.1. (M) Why do you only get 1 monthoff for the summer holiday?(W) I have to take some extra classesbecause I didn’t do well in math.(M) That’s really too bad.번역 (M) 여름방학때왜너는한달밖에쉬지못하니?(W) 수학을잘못해서보충수업을들어야해.(M) 안됐구나.2. (W) In my culture, at the beginningof December, children put theirshoes outside. Then the elvescome and put gifts ofchocolate, candy, and toys번역inside their shoes.(W) 우리문화에서는12월이시작되면아이들이신발을밖에내놓는다.그러면요정들이와서초콜릿,캔디,혹은장난감을신발속에넣어준다.3. (W) What is your family having for Easter thisyear?(M) Well, we usually have ham for Easter, butmy grandmother is going to be over at ourhouse this year and she doesn’t eat ham.(W) So, I guess you are going to have turkey?(W) 올해부활절에너희가족은무엇을먹니?(M) 우리는부활절에보통햄을먹어.하지만올해는할머니가우리집에오실건데할머니는햄을안드셔.(W) 그럼너희는칠면조를먹겠구나?59

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