Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.해설4.1차세계대전때많은캐나다군인들이목숨을잃었던프랑스플랜더스필드지방에전쟁이 끝난후부터양귀비꽃이빨갛게가득피어난것을유래로,캐나다인들은군인들의명복을빌기위해11월초부터휴전기념일인11월11일까지꽃을단다.•Remembrance Day (캐나다)휴전기념일,(한국)현충일,(미국)참전군인의날(Veteran’s Day)5.어린이들이핼러윈방에요상한분장을하고집집마다돌아다니며“Trick or treat!”(먹을것을주지않으면장난칠거에요!)을외치면미리준비한사탕이나초콜릿을나누어주는풍습의례,의식요정기리다,추모하다양귀비(추수감사절의)이웃집 방문ceremonyelfhonorpoppytrick or treatI have a wedding ceremony to go to this weekend.Santa’s elves help him make all the toys for Christmas.Many cultures honor their dead relatives once a year.Canadians wear red poppy flowers on Remembrance Day.Children in North America go trick or treating onHalloween to get sweets.1.이번주말에결혼식에가요.2.산타의요정들이크리스마스장난감만드는것을도와줘요.B. Types of Questions: Holidays3.많은문화권에서는일년에한번죽은친척들을추모한다.4.캐나다사람들은휴전기념일에붉은양귀비꽃을꽂는다.5.북미의어린이들은핼러윈때사탕을얻으려고집집마다돌아다닌다.a. Main Idea What are the speakers doing?What does the speaker do on Remembrance Day?b. Inference What holiday is the speaker talking about?How does the man feel?c. Cause and Effect Why didn’t they go to Toronto for Christmas?Why does the man only get one month off?d. Facts and Details What is the man going to buy his wife?What did they do after carving the pumpkins?58C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?M: I’m going to buy my wife some roses and a diamond necklace.W: Wow! She is pretty lucky.번역 W1. What is the man going to buy his wife? __________ ❹W: The kids and I are going to make a card and wrap the presents webought. Then later in the day we are heading to my husband’s favoriterestaurant. We’re going to honor him with an expensive dinner there.2. What holiday is the speaker talking about? __________ ❶M: We were supposed to go to Toronto for Christmas.W: Why didn’t you go?M: Our flight was cancelled because of a big snowstorm.3. Why didn’t they go to Toronto for Christmas? __________ ❷Father’s Day Bad weather Thanksgiving Jewelry❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역번역발렌타인데이에어떤계획이있나요?M 아내에게장미와다이아몬드목걸이를사줄거예요.W 와!그녀는정말운이좋군요.1.남자는아내에게무엇을사줄까?보석W 아이들과나는카드를만든다음우리가산선물을포장할겁니다.그다음에남편이제일좋아하는식당으로가서그에게비싼저녁식사를대접할거예요.2.이사람은어떤휴일에관해얘기하고있는가?아버지날M 우리는크리스마스에토론토로갈예정이었어요.W 왜가지않았나요?M 심한폭설로인해비행이취소되었어요.3.이들은왜크리스마스때토론토에가지못했는가?날씨가나빠서

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