Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.폭죽쉬다~로 가다긴 양말,스타킹(socks 짧은양말)단것(사탕,과자)firecrackerhave offhead tostockingsweetsFirecrackers are popular on Chinese New Year andHalloween.I have this weekend off. Do you want to do something?I’m heading to the beach after work.Don’t forget to hang the Christmas stockings <strong>by</strong> thefireplace.I love candy and sweets, especially chocolate.561. 새해와핼러윈에는폭죽이유명하다.2. 난이번주말에쉬는데,뭐하고싶은거있어?3. 나는일끝나고해변에갈거야.B. Match the questions and answers.1. How long do you have off for Spring Break? (A) We are heading tomy aunt’s.2. Do you have special sweets for Halloween? (B) We hang stockings.3. What are you doing over summer break? (C) Yes, we havecaramel apples.4. Does your family do anything special (D) Ten days.to celebrate the holiday?1.봄방학때얼마나쉬니?2.핼러윈때특별히먹는사탕있니?3.여름휴가때무엇을할생각이니?4.너희가족은이휴일에특별히하는거있니?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) What are you doing over the _________break?(B) I’m going to my friend’s place.(A) 부활절휴일에뭐할거니?(B) 친구집에갈거야.2. (A) How long do you have off for the NewYear break?(B) I get _________ off.(A) 새해에며칠이나쉬니?(B) 이틀.3. (A) Do you eat any special food during theholiday?(B) Not really. We just eat a lot of _________.(A) 그휴일에특별히먹는음식있니?(B) 특별한건없는데,그냥단것을많이먹어.4. (A) Does your culture do anything specialfor the holidays?(B) Yes. We light _________.(A) 너희문화에서는그휴일에특별한행사가있니?(B) 예,우리는촛불을밝혀요.4. 벽난로옆에크리스마스양말걸어두는거잊지마.5. 나는캔디와단것,특히초콜릿을좋아한다.Note(A) 숙모님댁에가요.(B) 우리는양말을걸어둬요.(C) 예,사과캐러멜을먹어요.(D) 열흘이에요.NoteEaster/Thanksgiving/Remembrance Day/New Year1 week/2 weeks/5 days/2 days해설meat/sweets/breadvegetableslanterns/firecrackers/candles/torches부활절/추수감사절/영령기념일(현충일)/새해1주일/2주일/5일/이틀고기/단것/빵/야채등불(제등)/폭죽/촛불/횃불사과 캐러멜 :캐러멜을 녹여서사과를찍어먹는간식

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