Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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UNIT7PART I. Picture Description: HolidaysW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.정리하다,배열하다축제 같은,화려한선물설치하다다양한arrangefestivepresentset upvariousI arranged the plates on the table before dinner.Her holiday clothes looked very festive.My friend brought me a present from India.It took three hours to set up the decorations.There are various things in the refrigerator.1. 나는저녁식사전에테이블위에접시들을배열했다.2. 그녀의축제의상은아주화려했다.3. 친구가인도에서내게줄선물을사왔다.4. 장식을설치하는데3시간이걸렸다.5. 냉장고에는다양한것들이있다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.decorationspresent1. _________ Various presents are_________ arranged under the tree.2. _________ Festive decorations havebeen _________ set _________ up onthe fireplace.번역1.다양한선물이나무밑에진열되어있다.2.화려한장식이벽난로위에설치되었다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AThe man has put on festive clothes.번역 남자는화려한의상을입고있다._________ BVarious things are arranged around the pie.번역 파이주변에다양한물건들이놓여있다.53

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