Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. I _________ _________ for the most _________ candidate.I always vote for the most handsome candidate.번역나는항상가장잘생긴후보에게투표를해요.2. _________ _________ and I disagree _________ the _________.My wife and I disagree on the issues. 번역 아내와나는그문제에관해의견이다릅니다.3. _________ year’s _________ _________ _________ _________thrilling.This year’s election should be quite thrilling.번역올해선거는아주긴장이될거예요.4. Please take _________ _________ and _________ _________ out.Please take these forms and fill them out.번역이서류양식을가져가서작성해주세요.5. My _________ works _________ _________ _________Department.My cousin works for the Customs Department.번역내사촌은세관에서일해요.6. _________ are _________ important _________ this _________.Taxes are an important issue this year.번역올해는세금이중요한쟁점이에요.7. I _________ _________ a residence permit _________ _________.I applied for a residence permit in August.번역저는8월에체류허가를신청했습니다.8. What _________ _________ the post _________ close _________lunch?What time does the post office close for lunch?번역우체국은점심시간을위해몇시에문을닫나요?9. I _________ _________ tourist _________ _________ the UnitedStates.I have a tourist visa for the United States.번역저는미국관광비자가있어요.10. A lot _________ _________ _________ _________ of the_________.A lot of garbage fell out of the truck.번역많은쓰레기가트럭에서쏟아졌습니다.

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