Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 6. Government ServicesExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What was the result of Mr. Jones’ television appearance?(A) He became more popular. (B) He became less popular.번역√존스씨의TV출연결과는?(A) 더인기를얻게되었다.(B) 인기를잃게되었다.2. How many people voted last time?(A) More than half번역지난번에는몇명이투표를했는가?(A) 절반이상 (B) 절반이하(B) Less than half3. Why does the candidate want to stop gun sales?(A) They’re too expensive. (B) There’s too much crime.번역이후보자는왜총기판매금지를원하는가?(A) 너무비싸서 (B) 범죄가너무많아서4. What issue is the candidate discussing?(A) Supporting war(B) Decreasing taxes번역이후보자는어떤문제에관해토론하고있는가?(A) 전쟁지지 (B) 세금감면√√√1. (M) Mr. Jones is certainly popular these days.(W) Yeah. After people saw him playingguitar on television, everyone seemedto like him.(M) But what is his stance on the issues?번역 (M) 존스씨는요즘정말인기가있어요.(W) 그래요,그가TV에서기타연주하는걸사람들이본후로모두가그를좋아하는것같았어요.(M) 하지만그문제에관한그의입장이뭐죠?2. (W) There are over 270 million peoplein this country, but in the lastelection less than 50% voted. Thismeans a candidate can win withsupport from only 25% of the번역population!(W) 이나라인구는2억7천만이넘지만지난선거에서는50%미만이투표했습니다.이것은후보자가전체인구의25%만지지를받아도이길수있다는것을의미합니다!3. (M) I think there’s too much crime.(W) So, what’s your stance on the gun issue?(M) I plan to stop gun sales across thenation.번역(M) 범죄가너무많이발생하는것같습니다.(W) 총기문제에관한당신의입장은뭔가요?(M) 전국적으로총기판매를금지할생각입니다.T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.4. (M) I don’t think the war is necessarybecause no war is ever necessary. If Iwin the election, I’ll put a stop to allof our taxes going to the military.That’s a promise!번역 (M) 필요한전쟁이란존재하지않기때문에나는이전쟁이필요없다고생각합니다.내가선거에서이긴다면군대에들어가는모든세금을없앨겁니다.그것을약속하겠습니다!1. Who did the man and woman vote for?(A) They both voted for Earl.(B) √ Neither voted.번역(C) They both voted for Jones.(D) One voted for Earl and the other voted for Jones.번역남자와여자는누구에게투표를했는가?(A) 둘다얼에게투표를했다.(B) 둘다투표하지않았다.(C) 둘다존스에게투표를했다.(D) 한사람은얼에게한사람은존스에게투표했다.2. What issue is NOT important?(A) War(C) Guns번역√어떤문제가중요하지않은가?(A) 전쟁 (B) 세금 (C) 총기 (D) 범죄(B) Taxes(D) Crime3. How much did the man pay in taxes?(A) $100 (B) $200(C) $300 (D) $400번역남자는세금을얼마나냈는가?(A) 100달러 (B) 200달러 (C) 300달러 (D) 400달러√1. (M) I can’t believe Mr. Earl won the election.(W) I forgot to vote.(M) Actually, so did I.(M) 얼씨가선거에서이겼다는것이믿어지지않아.(W) 난투표하는걸잊었어.(M) 사실나도그래.2. (W) There are four major issues in thiselection: taxes, war, crime, and guns.Both of the candidates agree on thegun issue, so therefore only threeissues are important.번역 (W) 이번선거에서는네가지주요쟁점이있습니다.세금,전쟁,범죄,그리고총기문제입니다.두후보모두총기문제에관해서는의견이일치합니다.따라서세가지쟁점이중요합니다.3. (M) Taxes are so high this year!(W) I know! I had to pay $200.(M) I paid twice that much.번역 (M) 올해세금이너무많아요.(W) 알아요.나는200달러를내야했어요.(M) 난그두배를냈어요.51

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