Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.선거후보자세금입장,태도쟁점,문제electioncandidatetaxesstanceissueThe next election is in four years.Mr. Smith is a popular candidate for president.I think we pay too much in taxes.What is your stance on the war?The candidates disagree on the issue of taxes.1.다음선거는4년후에있다.2.스미스씨는인기있는대통령후보이다.3.우리는세금을너무많이내는것같아요.4.전쟁에대한당신의입장은무엇인가요?5.후보자들은세금문제에관해의견이다르다.B. Types of Questions: Government Servicesa. Main Idea How is the candidate described?What issue is the candidate discussing?b. Inference Who will the man vote for?What is Mr. Earl’s stance on the war issue?c. Cause and Effect What was the result of Mr. Jones’ television appearance?Why does the candidate want to stop gun sales?d. Facts and Details How many people voted last time?How many candidates are there?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: How will you vote in the next election?M: I used to like Mr. Earl, but he has lied too much.W: I agree. Mr. Jones is a better choice. 번역 W1. Who will the man vote for? __________ ❸We believe that Mr. Jones is a respectable man. But can we reallytrust him? In the past, he voted to raise taxes three separate times.Please vote wisely this election.2. How is the candidate described? __________ ❹번역다음선거에어떻게투표할생각이니?M 예전에는얼씨를좋아했는데,그는거짓말을너무많이해.W 나도그렇게생각해.존스씨가더나은것같아.1.남자는누구에게투표를할까?존스씨우리는존스씨가존경받을만한사람이라고생각합니다.하지만우리가정말그를믿을수있을까요?과거에그는세번이나세금인상에찬성표를던졌습니다.이번선거에는현명하게투표를합시다.2.이후보자는어떻게묘사되고있는가?부정적으로M: I agree with Mr. Earl on the war issue.W: Not me. I don’t believe in war.M: My wife says the same thing.번역M 나는전쟁문제에대한얼씨의생각에동의해요.W 난안그래요.나는전쟁이싫어요.M 내아내도그렇게말하더군요.3.전쟁문제에관한얼씨의입장은무엇인가?찬성한다3. What is Mr. Earl’s stance on the war issue? __________ ❶50For the war Against the war Mr. Jones Negatively❶ ❷ ❸ ❹

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