Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 6. Government ServicesExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.1. (A) He is not here.√(B) At the front desk.2. (A) Yes, it can.√(B) Here you go.3. (A) Forms are available online.√(B) The customs department.√4. (A) Yes, it is.(B) A long time.Where do I apply for a visa?번역 비자신청을어디에하나요?(A) 그는여기없어요.(B) 접수대에하세요.I made a mistake. Can I get another form?번역 실수를했는데,서류양식하나더주시겠어요?(A) 예,가능합니다.(B) 여기있습니다.Which department handles problems with importedgoods?번역 수입품의취급문제들을다루는부서가어디죠?(A) 서류양식은온라인으로구할수있습니다.(B) 세관입니다.Is it difficult to get a residence permit?번역 체류허가를받기가어렵나요?(A) 예,그렇습니다.(B) 오래됐어요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. What country were you born in?(A) My hometown.(B) My father is a doctor.(C) I’m from this country.어느나라에서태어났나요?(A) 내고향에서요.(B) 아버지가의사예요.(C) 이나라에서태어났어요.3. I can’t find the customs office.(A) You can call them instead.(B) Why isn’t it here?(C) Neither do I.세관을찾을수가없어요.(A) 그러면전화하면되요.(B) 그게왜여기없죠?(C) 나도안그래요.번역번역2. Excuse me, I lost my passport yesterday.(A) Where is it?(B) Please fill out this form.(C) That was a bad idea.실례지만,어제여권을잃어버렸어요.(A) 그게어디있죠?(B) 이양식을작성해주세요.(C) 좋지않은생각이었어요.4. What do I need to do to get a workpermit?(A) At least 3 times.(B) First you need a job offer.(C) Your passport will expire soon.취업허가를받으려면무엇이필요한가요?(A) 적어도세번이요.(B) 먼저일자리를제공받아야합니다.(C) 귀하의여권은곧만기가됩니다.49

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