Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART I. Picture Description: Government ServicesW arm-up6UNITA. Learn the words and phrases.지역배달하다떨어지다올리다넓은areadeliverfall outraisewideThere is a big park in this area.The mail carrier delivers letters to my house.My passport fell out of my pocket.They raised the flag to the top of the building.The main street in our town is very wide.1. 이지역에는큰공원이있다.2. 우편배달부가편지를우리집으로배달해준다.3. 내여권이주머니에서떨어졌다.4. 그들은건물꼭대기까지깃발을올렸다.5. 우리마을의중앙로는아주넓다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.garbage truckgarbage1. The back of the truck israised, the door is _________ wideopen, and garbage is_________.falling out2. The truck _________ delivers garbageto this _________. area번역1.트럭의뒷부분이위로올라가있고,문은활짝열려있으며,쓰레기가떨어지고있다.2.트럭이쓰레기를이지역으로운반한다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ BSome letters are falling out.번역 편지몇장이떨어지고있다._________ AThe policeman is guarding the area.번역 경찰관이지역을경비하고있다.45

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