Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 5. Food and DrinkExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why did the man take only one serving?번역(A) He’s not very hungry.(B) He is on a diet.번역√2. Which one is NOT an ingredient?(A) Flour번역(B) Sugar3. What does the man think about the sauce?(A) It’s delicious.(B) It’s awful.번역√남자는왜1인분만시켰는가?(A) 배가그리고프지않다.(B) 체중감량중이다.다음중재료가아닌것은?(A) 밀가루 (B) 설탕남자는소스에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 아주맛있다.(B) 끔찍하다.√1. (M) Is that lasagna?(W) Yes, would you like one or two servings?(M) Just one. I had a late lunch.(M) 저게라자냐인가요?(W) 예,1인분드릴까요,2인분드릴까요?(M) 하나만주세요.점심을늦게먹었어요.2. (W) The recipe calls for the followingingredients: flour, eggs, butter, andmilk. Be sure to get real butter, notmargarine, and fresh whole milk.번역 (W) 이조리법에는다음과같은재료가필요하다.밀가루,계란,버터,우유.마가린이아닌진짜버터와신선한전유가필요하다는것을유념하자.3. (M) I love this sauce. Can I get the recipe?(W) Sorry, that’s a family secret.(M) Come on. Please!번역(M) 이소스가정말맛있네요.조리법좀알려줄수있나요?(W) 죄송하지만,저희집의비밀입니다.(M) 그러지말고제발알려주세요!4. How long is the baking time?번역√(A) 15 minutes얼마동안구워야하는가?(A) 15분 (B) 30분(B) 30 minutes4. (W) After mixing the ingredients thoroughly,pour the mixture into a pan. Place thepan in the oven for 15 minutes. The oventemperature should be set at 350 degrees.번역 (W) 재료를골고루잘섞은후에이반죽을팬에 붓는다.오븐에15분동안넣어둔후에오븐의온도를350도에맞춰야한다.T e s t해설1. lasagna 파스타,치즈,고기,토마토소스로만든이탈리아요리2. call for 필요하다,요구하다whole milk 전유(지방포함)Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. How many pans did they make?(A) 1 (B) √ 2(C) 5 (D) 9번역이들은냄비몇개로만들었는가?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 5(D) 92. What is the speaker doing?(A) Putting a turkey in the oven(B) Giving the staff instructions at a restaurant(C) √ Remembering a happy time in her childhood(D) Describing her family to a friend번역이사람은무엇을하고있는가?(A) 칠면조를오븐에넣고있다. (B) 식당직원들에게지시사항을알려주고있다. (C) 어린시절의행복한기억을떠올리고있다.(D) 자신의가족을친구에게설명하고있다.3. What is the man going to do?(A) √ Get milk at the store(C) Greet the guests in 2 hours번역(B) Get flour at the market(D) Prepare the party decorations남자는무엇을할까?(A) 가게에우유를사러간다.(B) 시장에밀가루를사러간다.(C) 2시간후에손님을맞는다.(D) 파티장식을준비한다.1. (M) Each pan makes 5 servings, right?(W) That’s right, and 9 people are coming.(M) So can I have the extra serving?번역 (M) 냄비하나에5인이지,그렇지?(W) 맞아.그리고9명이올거야.(M) 그럼,남은것은내가먹으면될까?2. (W) When I was a little girl I used to loveThanksgiving. Mother would put theturkey in the oven, Father would make번역potato salad, and I’d set the table.(W) 어렸을때나는추수감사절을정말좋아했다.엄마는칠면조를오븐에넣고아빠는감자샐러드를만들고,나는상을차리곤했다.3. (W) You used too much flour! Now we needmore milk.(M) I’ll go pick some up at the store.(W) Hurry up. The guests are coming in 2 hours.번역(W) 밀가루를너무많이넣었어요!이제우유가더필요해요.(M) 내가가게에가서사올게요.(W) 서둘러요.2시간후에손님들이오기로했어요.43

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