Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.조리법붓다혼합오븐~인분,한 끼분의 음식recipepourmixingovenservings1. 맛있는과자를만들려면이조리법을따르세요.2. 그것을냄비에부어라.3. 우유속에넣고섞은다음밀가루를넣어라.Follow this recipe for great cookies.Pour it into the pan.After mixing in the milk, add the flour.Heat the oven to 300 degrees.One pan should make 12 servings.B. Types of Questions: Food and Drink4. 오븐을300도까지가열해라.5. 냄비하나로12인분을만들수있다.a. Main Idea What is the best amount of milk to add?What is the most important ingredient?b. Inference Who made the brownies?What does the man think about the sauce?c. Cause and Effect Why did the man take only one serving?How long is the baking time?d. Facts and Details How many eggs did they use?Which one is NOT an ingredient?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: First we have to add 3 eggs to the mixture.W: Mmm, it smells really good.M: That’s the olive oil and wine.1. How many eggs did they use? __________ ❷번역M 우선이반죽에계란3개를넣어야해.W 음,정말냄새가좋은데.M 올리브기름과와인때문이야.1.계란을몇개사용했는가?3개For a light, delicious cake pour one cup of milk into the mixture. Besure not to add too much or the cake will not bake well. Too littlemilk will make the cake a bit dry.번역2. What is the best amount of milk to add? __________ ❹연하고달콤한케이크를만들려면반죽에1컵의우유를붓는다.너무많이넣으면케이크가잘구워지지않으므로주의한다.너무적게넣으면케이크가약간건조해진다.2.우유는얼마를넣으면가장좋은가?1컵W: I just love these brownies!M: Really? Thanks. It’s my mom’s recipe.W: They’re so delicious.3. Who made the brownies? __________ ❶번역W 이브라우니가정말맘에들어요!M 그래요?고마워요.엄마의비법이에요.W 아주맛있어요.3.이브라우니를만든사람은?남자The man Three Two women One cup❶ ❷ ❸ ❹42

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