Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 5. Food and DrinkExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) After work.(B) OK, let’s go.√2. (A) I’m almost done.(B) Yes, it does.√3. (A) Of course.(B) Yes, I do.√4. (A) Every afternoon.(B) Right now.When do you usually eat dinner?번역 저녁을보통언제먹니?(A) 업무끝나고.(B) 좋아,가자.Could you hurry up and finish making the salad?번역 서둘러서샐러드만들어주시겠어요?(A) 거의다됐어요.(B) 예,그건그래요.Can I see the menu, please?번역 메뉴좀볼수있을까요?(A) 물론이죠.(B) 예,난그래요.How often do you have a snack?번역 간식을얼마나자주먹나요?(A) 매일오후에먹어요.(B) 당장먹죠.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Did you remember to buy thebeverages?(A) No, but I bought some juice.(B) Yes, they’re in the car.(C) There’s too much coffee.음료수사는거잊지않았지?(A) 아니,하지만주스좀샀어.(B) 그럼,차안에있어.(C) 커피가너무많아.3. Is this candy made with real vanilla?(A) They are as well.(B) How much do you want?(C) No, just vanilla flavoring.이캔디는진짜바닐라로만든건가요?(A) 그것들도있어요.(B) 얼마가필요하니?(C) 아니오,그냥바닐라향료예요.번역번역2. Please eat something nutritiousinstead of candy.(A) I don’t want to.(B) It’s over there.(C) My brother does too.제발캔디말고좀영양가있는것을먹으렴.(A) 먹고싶지않아요.(B) 저기있어요.(C) 내형도먹어요.4. Hurry up! The store will close soon.(A) Let’s just go tomorrow.(B) I’m so sad.(C) They sell lots of snacks.서둘러!가게가곧문을닫을거야.(A) 그럼내일가자.(B) 너무슬퍼.(C) 간식을많이팔고있어.41

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