Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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UNIT5PART I. Picture Description: Food and DrinkW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.제공하다과자놓다가장자리깨물다offertreatsplaceedgebite intoCan I offer you something to drink?My favorite treats are brownies.해설The server placed my meal on the table.Be careful. The edge of your knife is very sharp.• treats 만족(즐거움)을주는것,대접• brownies 아몬드와땅콩이든쿠키와케이크의중간형태I don’t like biting into hard candy. It hurts my teeth.1. 마실것좀드릴까요?2. 내가제일좋아하는과자는브라우니이다.3. 종업원이내음식을테이블위에놓았다.4. 조심해요.칼날이아주날카로와요.5. 나는딱딱한캔디를깨물어먹는것이싫어.이가아프거든.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.treatsedge1. She is ________ offering him sometreats for dessert and________ placing them on his plate.2. The man is holding the________ edge of his plate and thewoman next to him is________ biting into her dessert.번역1. 그녀는디저트로과자를내주면서그의접시에과자를놓고있다.2. 남자는접시가장자리를잡고있고,그옆에있는여자는디저트를깨물어먹고있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AThe woman is holding the edge of the plate.번역 그여자는접시가장자리를들고있다._________ BThe person is holding one of the treats.번역 이사람은과자하나를집고있다.37

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