Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. His _________ was_________, but his expression __________________!His voice was calm, but his expression looked angry! 번역 그의목소리는차분했지만표정은화가난것같았어!2. I _________ _________ get _________ touch _________ Cathy to_________ her about it.I need to get in touch with Cathy to tell her about it. 번역 캐시에게연락해서그걸말해줘야해.3. Please _________ that information _________ to _________.Please pass that information on to Bill. 번역 그정보를빌에게전해주세요.4. _________ you have _________, _________ me _________.When you have decided, let me know. 번역 결심이서면내게알려주세요.5. What do _________ want to _________ into _________ the_________?What do you want to get into during the meeting? 번역 회의에서무엇을논의하고싶으세요?6. I _________ to _________ to _________ restaurants in __________________.I like to go to local restaurants in this area. 번역 나는이지역의동네식당에가는것을좋아한다.7. _________ had better not _________ here when _________ gets_________!You had better not be here when Dad gets home! 번역 아빠가집에오실때여기없는게좋을거야!8. _________ you _________ interpret _________ messy _________? writingCould you please interpret your messy writing? 번역 당신이쓴글씨가엉망인데해석을해주시겠어요?9. I don’t _________ _________ _________ a conversation withKelly _________ the _________.I don’t feel like having a conversation with Kelly on the phone. 번역 켈리와전화로얘기하고싶지않아요.10. You _________ _________ stop _________ toll _________.You have to stop making toll calls. 번역 너는장거리전화를그만해야한다.

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