Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 4. CommunicationExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. When do people visit the local stores?(A) Monday to Friday(B) On the weekend번역2. What will the man do next?(A) He will throw it away.번역√3. Why is the phone bill high?(A) Betty made many toll calls.번역√T e s t(B) He will explain his writing.(B) Betty was on vacation.4. What was their mother’s expression?번역(A) She looked mad.(B) She looked happy.번역√사람들은언제동네가게를찾는가?(A) 월요일부터금요일까지 (B) 주말에남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 그것을버린다.(B) 자신의글을설명해준다.√전화요금이왜많이나왔는가?(A) 베티가장거리전화를많이해서 (B) 베티가휴가중이어서엄마의표정이어땠는가?(A) 무척화가난것같았다.(B) 기분이좋아보였다.1. (M) On the weekend in my hometown,people like to go to the big storesin the city. But they go to localstores from Monday to Friday. It’sconvenient to stop at local ones번역while driving to or from work.(M) 내고향에서는주말에사람들이도시의큰상점으로가는걸좋아한다.하지만월요일부터금요일까지는동네가게로 간다.직장을오가는길에동네가게에서쇼핑을하는것이편리하기때문이다.2. (W) Your writing is so hard to read!(M) Sorry. Here, I’ll interpret it for you.(W) Thank you.번역(W) 네글씨가엉망이어서읽을수가없어!(M) 미안해.내가해석해줄게.(W) 고마워.3. (M) The phone bill is so high this month!(W) Really, Dad? Uh oh....(M) Yes! You have to stop making tollcalls, Betty.(M) 이번달전화요금이너무많이나왔어.(W) 아빠,정말이에요?저기…(M) 그래!베티,장거리전화를하지말거라.4. (W) Wow, Dennis! Mom seemed really mad at youthis morning.(M) Yeah. She was so quiet, but did you see her face?(W) You’d better not be here when Dad gets home!번역 (W) 야,데니스!엄마가아침에정말너한테화가난것같더라.(M) 그래.엄마가말한마디없었는데,엄마표정봤니?(W) 아빠가집에돌아오실때여기없는게좋을것같아!Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is the problem?(A) She is complicated.(C) He doesn’t understand.번역√(B) She needs an interpreter.(D) He lost the report.무엇이문제인가?(A) 그녀는헷갈려한다.(B) 그녀에게통역이필요하다.(C) 그는이해하지못한다.(D) 그는보고서를잃어버렸다.2. What is the last thing you should do?(A) √ Send the message(B) Use small words(C) Enter the message(D) Say more번역맨마지막에해야하는일은?(A) 메시지를보낸다 (B) 소문자를이용한다 (C) 메시지를입력한다 (D) 더많이얘기한다3. What will the man do next?(A) Change his mind(C) Put on his cap번역(B) Make a toll call(D) Say his main ideas again√남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 마음을바꾼다 (B) 장거리전화를한다 (C) 모자를쓴다 (D) 요지를다시말해준다3. (M) Do you have any questions about my presentation?(W) Yes, could you please recap your main points?(M) Of course! Sorry, I forgot to do that.번역1. (M) I read your report, but I don’t understandall of it.(W) All right, what makes you confused?(M) You need to interpret these charts for me.번역 (M) 당신의보고서를읽었는데,다이해하지는못했어요.(W) 좋아요,무엇이헷갈리던가요?(M) 이도표를내게설명해줘요.2. (W) When you send a text message,번역(M) 제발표에관해질문이있나요?(W) 예,요지를요약해주시겠어요?(M) 물론이죠!죄송합니다.깜빡잊었군요.you have to use small words. Thislets you say more in a short space.Also, don’t forget to send it whenyou’re done!(W) 문자메시지를보낼때에는소문자를이용해야해.그래야적은공간에많은말을적을수있어.또,메시지를작성한다음보내는것을잊지마.35

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