Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-up지역의,동네의A. Learn the words and phrases.장거리전화해독하다문자메시지요약하다localtoll callinterprettext messagerecap1. 나는지역사무실에서일한다.그곳은우리집에서가깝다.2. 나는프랑스에비싼장거리전화를해야한다.I work at a local office. It’s close to my home.I need to make an expensive toll call to France.She couldn’t interpret his bad handwriting.Don’t call, just send a text message on your cell phone.That was a long presentation. Please recap your mainpoints.B. Types of Questions: Communicationa. Main Idea Why is she sad?What is the problem?3. 그녀는그의글씨가엉망이어서해독할수없었다.4. 전화하지말고,네휴대전화로문자메시지를보내.5. 발표가너무길었어요.주요사항들을요약해주세요.b. Inference Why is the man happy?What was their mother’s expression?c. Cause and Effect What will the man do next?Why is the phone bill high?d. Facts and Details What must you do after you finish?When do people visit the local stores?34C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I don’t feel like talking to Kelly on the phone.M: You need to fill her in about our plans, though.W: Well, I don’t have time, so I’ll just send her a text message.1. What is the problem? __________ ❶M: Do I have to make a toll call to Madrid?W: No, Madrid is local.M: That’s good news.2. Why is the man happy? __________ ❸When you make a long presentation, you should organize it verywell. Always answer any questions that people might have. After it’sover, you must recap your main points for the audience.3. What must you do after you finish? __________ ❹W 전화로켈리와얘기를하고싶지않아요.M 하지만그녀에게우리의계획을설명해줘야해요.W 시간이없으니까그냥문자메시지를보낼거예요.1.무엇이문제인가?그녀는시간이없다.fill ~ in (~에게)설명하다She has no time. He doesn’t know. It is not expensive. Recap❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역해설번역번역M 마드리드로장거리전화를해야하나요?W 아니오,마드리드는지역전화가됩니다.M 잘됐군요.2.남자는왜기분이좋은가?비싸지않아서발표를길게할때에는구성을잘해야한다.사람들이묻는모든질문에항상답해야한다.끝나면청중들을위해주요사항들을요약해야한다.3.발표가끝난다음에는무엇을해야하는가?요약

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