Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 4. CommunicationExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) They will cover many topics.(B) Their cars.What are they going to get into at the meeting?번역 그들은회의에서무엇을설명할계획인가요?(A) 여러주제를다룰거예요.(B) 그들의자동차입니다.2. (A) Don’t touch that.√(B) I’ll get in touch with her tomorrow.3. (A) She looks the same.√(B) She appeared to be very upset.√4. (A) I’ll let you know later.(B) Please discuss it.Are you going to contact Sally?번역 샐리에게연락할거니?(A) 그거만지지마.(B) 내일연락할거야.What was her expression like?번역 그녀의표정은어땠어?(A) 평소와똑같아보여.(B) 매우화가난것같았어.Which idea did our group choose?번역 우리모임은어떤아이디어를선택했나요?(A) 나중에알려드리죠.(B) 그것에관해의논하세요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Will you pass the messageon to Dylan?(A) No, I couldn’t.(B) Yes, I am.(C) I already did.그메시지를딜란에게전해줄래?(A) 아니요,못했어요.(B) 예,저는그래요.(C) 벌써전했어요.3. Is Mom happy these days?(A) She looks that way.(B) Yes, he is.(C) She appeared on TV.요즘엄마가기분이좋으시니?(A) 그런것같아요.(B) 예,그는그래요.(C) 그녀가TV에나왔어요.번역번역2. Did you inform Peter aboutthe plan?(A) Yes, he notified us.(B) Yes, we let him know.(C) It’s attached to the letter.그계획을피터에게알려줬나요?(A) 예,그가우리에게통보했어요.(B) 예,알려줬어요.(C) 편지에첨부되어있습니다.4. When did you contact Dad?(A) I only touched it.(B) You can erase it.(C) I called him yesterday.아빠한테연락한게언제지?(A) 만지기만했어요.(B) 지울수있어요.(C) 어제전화했어요.33

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