Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.표정연락하다전해주다의논하다알려주다expression His voice was calm, but his expression looked angry!get in touch with I need to get in touch with Cathy to tell her aboutthe problem.pass onPlease pass on that information to Bill.discussI want to discuss our plans.let (someone) know When you have decided, let me know.1. 그의목소리는차분했지만표정은화가난것같았다!2. 캐시에게연락해서그문제에대해알려줘야한다.3. 그정보를빌에게전해주세요.4. 우리의계획에대해의논하고싶어요.5. 결정을하면제게알려주세요.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Will you please let me know the result? (A) He looked sad.2. What was his expression? (B) It was probably Joe.3. Who passed on that information to Sue? (C) Soon.4. When will we discuss this idea? (D) I’ll be glad to.1. 결과를제게알려주시겠어요?2. 그의표정이어땠나요?3. 누가그정보를수에게전해줬죠?4. 이아이디어에관해언제의논할까요?(A) 슬퍼보였어요.(B) 아마조일거예요.(C) 곧하죠.(D) 기꺼이하죠.32C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Did you see her expression?(B) Yes, she _______ angry.(A) 그녀의표정을봤어요?(B) 예,화가난것같았어요.2. (A) Have you _______ Bob?(B) Yes, I have.(A) 밥에게전화했어요?(B) 예,했습니다.3. (A) What do you want to _______ in themeeting?(B) How about the budget?(A) 회의에서무엇을검토하고싶으세요?(B) 예산문제가어떨까요?4. (A) When should I _______?(B) As soon as possible!(A) 언제알려드려야하나요?(B) 가능한한빨리알려주세요.NoteNoteappeared to be/looked/seemedgotten in touch with/called/written to/contacteddiscuss/talk about/debate/get intoinform you/ fill you in/notify you/tell you/let you know~처럼보였다연락했다/전화했다/편지했다/연락했다토론하다/~에관해이야기하다/논쟁하다/검토하다알려줘야/설명해야/통보해야/말해줘야/알려줘야

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