Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.(A) The device is stuck to his hand.(B) This device sends messages to thetelevision.(A) 이장치는그의손에부착되어있다.(B) 이장치는TV에신호를보낸다.1. (A) (B)번역√번역(A) The phone is attached to the wall.(B) The sign says people should not use thephone.(A) 전화기가벽에부착되어있다.(B) 전화기를사용하지말라는표시가붙어있다.√2. (A) (B)3. (A) (B)번역(A) He is erasing the whiteboard with his hand.(B) He is informing his co-worker about the plan.(A) 그는손으로화이트보드를지우고있다.(B) 그는동료에게계획을알려주고있다.√30

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