Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.과제 : 책을 덮고 테이프만듣는다.책을 펴서 읽는다.테이프를 다시 들으면서주어진 단어들을 본다,테이프를 들으면서 빈칸에적절한 단어를 적어본다.1. I will _________ next _________ and begin university __________________ fall.번역 나는다음달에졸업하고가을에대학에들어갈것이다.2. Our English _________ begins _________ _________.3. _________ teacher said _________ assignment is due __________________.4. Do you _________ your _________ this _________?5. I like to socialize with _________ _________ during __________________ break.6. We don’t _________ _________ _________ _________; it’soptional.7. You are a _________ teacher, but you _________ plan more_________.I will graduate next month and begin university in the fall.Our English course begins on Tuesday. 번역 우리영어수업은화요일에시작된다.My teacher said our assignment is due on Friday. 번역 선생님께서과제를금요일까지제출하라고하셨어요.Do you like your courses this year? 번역 올해수업이맘에드니?번역 나는점심시간에친구들과어울리는것을좋아한다.I like to socialize with my friends during our lunch break.We don’t have to do this; it’s optional. 번역 이것은하지않아도됩니다.선택사항이에요.You are a good teacher, but you must plan more carefully.번역 당신은좋은선생님이지만,좀더꼼꼼하게계획을세우셔야합니다.8. Extracurricular activities _________ _________ __________________.Extracurricular activities are fun and relaxing. 번역 과외활동은재미있고편안하다.9. I _________ _________ my friends _________ of _________pressure.I act like my friends because of peer pressure. 번역 나는따돌림당할까봐친구들과비슷한행동을한다.10. He _________ _________ _________ the answer __________________ textbook.He is looking up the answer in his textbook.번역그는교과서에서정답을찾고있다.

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