Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 3. EducationExercises학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. When do the students have extracurricular activities?(A) After school(B) On the weekend번역√2. Why is the boy talking to the teacher?(A) His parents are coming. (B) He was bad in class.번역3. What will the teacher do next?(A) Plan his lessons번역√4. What was she working on?(A) The curriculum번역T e s t(B) Go homeListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is wrong?(A) √ She hates peer pressure.(C) She hates to socialize.번역(B) Her homework2. What is the speaker’s advice?(A) Extracurricular activities are most important.(B) Study sometimes.(C) Optional courses don’t matter.(D) Work hard in all of your classes.번역√학생들은언제과외활동을하는가?(A) 방과후에 (B) 주말에3. Where are the speakers?(A) √ Near a classroom(C) On the street번역√소년은왜선생님에게말을하는가?(A) 부모님이오시게되어서 (B) 수업태도가불량해서선생님은다음에무엇을하실까?(A) 수업계획을세우신다.(B) 집에가신다.여자는어떤일을하고있었는가?(A) 커리큘럼 (B) 자습학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.√(B) She is in the wrong course.(D) She loves her teacher.무엇이문제인가?(A) 여자가친구의압력을싫어한다.(B) 여자가수업을잘못들어갔다.(C) 여자가친구사귀는것을싫어한다.(D) 여자가선생님을좋아한다.어떤조언을하고있는가?(A) 과외활동이가장중요하다.(B) 가끔공부해라.(C) 선택과목은중요하지않다.(D) 모든과목을열심히공부해라.이들은어디에있는가?(A) 교실근처 (B) 학교체육관 (C) 거리 (D) 운동장3. (M1) Miss Goldsmith! Jonathan has fallendown on the floor!(W) Jonathan, have you hurt yourself?(M2) No, ma’am. I just tripped in the hall!번역해설1. (M) Each day, the students of Rye High School goto class between 8:45 and 3:30. After that,most of them do extracurricular activities. On번역(B) In the school gym(D) On a sports fieldthe weekend, they study at home.(M) 라이고등학교학생들은매일8시45분부터3시30분까지수업을듣는다.그후에대부분학생들은과외활동을합니다.주말에는집에서공부를합니다.3. (M) Mrs. Thompson, as the principal ofthis school, are you happy with myteaching?(W) Well, you are a good teacher, butyou must plan more carefully.(M) Oh, I see. I’ll go and start doing it now.번역 (M) 톰슨선생님,이학교의교장선생님으로서제교육에만족하시나요?(W) 예,좋은선생님이세요.하지만좀더꼼꼼한계획이필요합니다.(M) 알겠습니다.가서당장시작하겠습니다.4. (W) Dan, I feel so tired. I studied until 3:00 in the morning.(M) That’s a lot of studying! Why are you working so hard?(W) I have to get really high grades in all of my subjects.번역 (W) 댄,너무피곤해.새벽3시까지공부했어.(M) 정말많이공부했네!왜그렇게열심히하는데?(W) 모든과목에서정말좋은성적을받아야해.1. (M) Joan, have a cigarette! Come on, do it!Everybody else is smoking.(W) No, Julian! I can’t believe you’re doing thisto me!(M) Calm down. Why are you so angry? I’m sorry.번역 (M) 조앤,담배하나피워!자,해보라니까!다들담배를피우고있어.(W) 안돼,줄리안!나한테네가어떻게이럴수있니!(M) 진정해.왜그렇게화를내니!미안해.2. (W) In high school, some courses are optionaland some are not. They are all important,though, and require hard work. After yourstudying is done, extracurricular activitiesare fun and relaxing.번역 (W) 고등학교에서어떤과목은선택과목이고어떤과목은그렇지않다.하지만모든과목이중요하며열심히공부해야한다.공부를마친다음에하는 과외활동은재미있고긴장을풀수있다.(M1) 골드스미스선생님!조나단이바닥에넘어졌어요.(W) 조나단,다쳤니?(M2) 아니오,선생님.그냥실수로복도에서넘어진거예요.trip (발에)걸려넘어지다2. (W) Young man, I think you need to explainyourself!(M) I’m sorry, ma’am. My friends told me to do it!(W) Peer pressure is not an excuse! I might callyour parents!번역(W) 학생,내게설명을해야할것같네!(M) 죄송합니다,선생님.친구가하라고했어요!(W) 친구때문이라는건변명이안돼.부모님을불러야겠어!27

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