Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ O/X Quiz를해본다.1. The art club is extracurricular. (O)2. I socialize with friends. (O)3. My teacher gives me peer pressure. (X)4. Homework is optional. (X)5. This is a <strong>TOEIC</strong> course. (O)과외의(친구를)사귀다동료집단의압력선택적인강좌extracurricular School sports teams and clubs are extracurricularactivities.socialize I like to socialize with my friends during our lunch break.peer pressure I act like my friends because of peer pressure. 해설optional We don’t have to do this; it’s optional.course Which history course will you study? World History 101?3. 특정한상표의운동화,유행에대한또래집단사이무언의압력1. 학교스포츠팀이나클럽은과외활동이다.2. 나는점심시간에친구들과어울리는것을좋아한다.B. Types of Questions: Educationa. Main Idea Why is the boy talking to the teacher?What is wrong?b. Inference Who is he speaking with?What was she working on?c. Cause and Effect What will the teacher do next?Why did the student fail?d. Facts and Details What is in the new curriculum?When do the students have extracurricular activities?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I am not very happy, young man. You always socialize in my class!번역 WM: I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better.하지않는가!W: Good, because you might not pass.M 죄송합니다.더잘할게요.1. Who is he speaking with? __________ ❶3. 나는따돌림당할까봐친구들과비슷한행동을한다.4. 우리는이것을하지않아도된다.이것은필수가아니다.5. 어떤역사강좌를들을거니?세계사101?‘Wh~’(who, when,where, what, how, why)문제들을 읽어보고 무엇을 묻는 문제인지 살펴보게 한다.학생들이 문장(대화문)을 읽도록 한다.교사는 질문을 칠판에 쓴다.교사가다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌트가 될 만한 주요 어휘들을 강조해서읽는다)학생들은 칠판을 보고 답하도록 한다.학생,상당히불쾌하군.내수업시간에항상잡담을W 좋아,그래야낙제를하지않지.1.남자는누구와얘기를하고있는가?선생님M: I can’t believe I’ve failed this course!W: Well, did you work hard?M: Um, I guess not.2. Why did the student fail? __________ ❸번역M 이과목에서낙제를했다는것을믿을수없어요!W 열심히했니?M 저,그렇지는않은것같아요.2.이학생은왜낙제했는가?게을러서The new English curriculum was announced yesterday. Thegovernment has made most of the grammar lessons optional. Therewill be a lot more focus on reading and writing. 번역3. What is in the new curriculum? __________ ❹어제새로운영어커리큘럼이발표되었습니다.정부에서는대부분의문법수업을선택으로만들었습니다.독해와작문이더많이강조될예정입니다.3.새커리큘럼에는무엇이들어있는가?더많은작문A teacher A student Because he was lazy More writing❶ ❷ ❸ ❹26

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