Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 3. EducationExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) Pretty good.(B) I’m going home.How’s it going?번역 잘돼가나요?(A) 괜찮아요.(B) 집에갑니다.✱ 테이프를 들려주고 어떤 질문 형태인지이해하도록 한다.✱ 어떤 질문에 대한 대답인지 질문유형을추측해 본다.2. (A) No, I don’t.√(B) Yes, I am.3. (A) She’s in room 224.√(B) In the lab of course.√4. (A) I don’t know them very well.(B) No, I am like my mother.Are you going to skip class?번역결석할생각이니?(A) 아니오,나는그렇지않아요.(B) 예,그럴거예요.Where is Mr. Smith giving his lectures?번역스미스선생님이어디서강의하나요?(A) 그녀는224호에있어요.(B) 물론실험실이죠.Do you like your classmates?번역반친구들이맘에드니?(A) 그들을잘몰라요.(B) 아니오,엄마닮았어요.T e s t테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.Listen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Are you studying hard?(A) No, I haven’t.(B) Yes, I am.(C) I did, too.공부열심히하고있니?(A) 아니,하지않았어요.(B) 예,하고있어요.(C) 나도했어요.3. Was the teacher angry becauseyou skipped class?(A) I think so.(B) He didn’t eat before class.(C) Yes, it is.네가수업을빼먹어서선생님이화가나셨니?(A) 그런것같아요.(B) 선생님은수업전에먹지않았어요.(C) 예,그게맞아요.번역번역2. Do you like your courses this year?(A) No, I do.(B) Yes, I would like some.(C) Sort of.올해강좌가맘에드니?(A) 아니,그래요.(B) 예,좀먹을거예요.(C) 그런대로요.4. When do you study?(A) In the morning.(B) Sometimes I like sleeping.(C) At Smith School.언제공부하니?(A) 아침에요.(B) 때때로자는것을좋아해요.(C) 스미스학교에서요.25

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