Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.1. Do you often skip class?2. What year will you graduate?3. Our lectures are on Mondays. (T/F)4. When is our assembly?5. Which language is part of the high schoolcurriculum? (English.)결석하다졸업하다강의,수업조회커리큘럼,(교육)과정skip classgraduatelectureassemblycurriculumShe skipped class because she didn’t do her homework.I will graduate next month and begin university in the fall.My English lecture is on Friday.All of the students must get together for an assembly.The government makes the curriculum, and teachersteach it to students.1. 그녀는숙제를하지않아서수업을빼먹었다.2. 나는다음달에졸업한다음가을에대학에들어간다.3. 내영어수업은금요일에있다.4. 모든학생들이조회에참석해야한다.5. 정부에서커리큘럼을만들고,선생님들이그것을학생들에게가르친다.B. Match the questions and answers.옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.1. Did you ever skip classes in high school? (A) It’s in the school gym.2. Where is the assembly? (B) Next year, I think.3. Was his history lecture interesting? (C) No! Never!4. When will you graduate? (D) Yes, it was.1. 고등학교때결석한적있니?2. 조회를어디서하나요?3. 그의역사수업은재미있었니?4. 언제졸업하니?(A) 학교체육관에서요.(B) 내년일거야.(C) 아니!한번도없어!(D) 응,재미있었어.C. Listen and fill in the blanks.✱ 옆사람과 질문-답을번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.✱ 본인의 상황에 맞게대답해 본다.1. (A) Why are we learning this stuff?(B) It’s part of our _______.(A) 우리가이런것을왜배우죠?(B) 교육의일부예요.2. (A) Did you _______?(B) Yes, I did.(A) 합격했니?(B) 그래,합격했어.3. (A) Did you go to your _______?(B) No, I didn’t.(A) 모임에나갔니?(B) 아니,가지않았어.4. (A) What was your _______in Math?(B) I got an A!(A) 수학학점이뭐였니?(B) A를받았어!NoteNoteeducation/program/curriculum/coursefinish/graduate/pass/failclassroom/meeting/assembly/lockerscore/grade/mark/result교육/프로그램/커리큘럼/강좌끝내다/졸업하다/합격하다/떨어지다교실/모임/조회/로커점수/학점/성적/결과24

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