Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ Charades(어휘를 몸짓,마임으로 표현해 보고맞춰보는 게임)를 해 본다.신호하다주문서양식촬영기사방송중마이크signalorder formcamera manon the airmikeThe officer signaled for the cars to go.Please fill out this order form.The camera man signaled that he was recording.Her radio program is on the air from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.The mike didn’t work, so the audience could not hearthe singer.1. 경찰관이차들이가도좋다고신호를보냈다.2. 이주문서양식을작성해주세요.B. Types of Questions: Media3. 촬영기사가녹화되고있다는신호를보냈다.4. 그녀의라디오프로그램은오전8시부터9시까지방송된다.5. 마이크가고장나서,청중들이가수의노래를들을수없었다.a. Main Idea What is the woman’s occupation?What was the order form for?b. Inference Where would you hear these instructions?Who is the woman speaking to?‘Wh~’(who, when,where, what, how, why)문제들을 읽어보고 무엇을 묻는 문제인지 살펴보게 한다.c. Cause and Effect Why is the woman upset?What are they waiting for?d. Facts and Details Where did the person see the piece?How much did the video camera cost?학생들이 문장(대화문)을 읽도록 한다.교사는 질문을 칠판에 쓴다.교사가다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌트가 될 만한 주요 어휘들을 강조해서읽는다)학생들은 칠판을 보고 답하도록 한다.C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: Hi. Do you have a few minutes? I’d like to interview you.M: Okay. I guess I have some time.번역W: Great! Let me go get my camera man.1. What is the woman’s occupation? __________ ❸W: Move your chair a little closer to the mike. OK, that’s fine. Now,when I signal with my hand, it means we’re on the air. Start번역speaking in a normal voice.2. Where would you hear these instructions? __________ ❹M: Where did you hear about the music club’s deal?W: I found an order form for the club in a magazine.M: Was it in a fashion magazine or an entertainment magazine?3. What was the order form for? __________ ❶번역W 시간좀있나요?인터뷰하고싶어요.M 좋아요.시간이될것같아요.W 잘됐군요!가서촬영기사를데려오죠.1.여자의직업은?언론인W 의자를조금만마이크가까이로옮겨주세요.좋아요.자,내가손으로신호를보내면방송중이라는뜻입니다.평상시목소리로말을시작하세요.2.이런지시사항을들을만한곳은?라디오스튜디오M 그음악클럽거래에관한소식을어디서들었나요?W 잡지에서클럽에관한주문서양식을봤어요.M 그게패션잡지였나요,아니면연예잡지였나요?3.무엇을위한주문서인가?음악클럽18A music club A magazine subscription A journalist In a radio studio❶ ❷ ❸ ❹

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