Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 2. MediaExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) I think so.(B) Let’s read it together.√2. (A) I’m not sure.(B) I ran for five miles.Do you think anyone will read our classified ad?번역 우리광고를읽을사람이있을까요?(A) 있을거예요.(B) 같이읽어요.How long will the promotion run?번역 판촉행사는얼마나계속되나요?(A) 잘모르겠어요.(B) 5마일을달렸어요.✱ 테이프를 들려주고 어떤 질문 형태인지이해하도록 한다.✱ 어떤 질문에 대한 대답인지 질문유형을추측해 본다.3. (A) He’s on a lunch break.√(B) A famous teenage pop star.√4. (A) For a small fee.(B) Yes, I did.Who is the spokesperson for the product?번역해설그상품광고모델이누구죠?(A) 점심먹으러갔어요.(B) 유명한10대팝스타예요.Can we advertise our services on your website?번역lunch break 점심식사+휴식시간당신의웹사이트에저희서비스를광고할수있을까요?(A) 약간의요금을내면됩니다.(B) 예,그랬어요.T e s t테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.Listen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Is the radio promotion attractingnew customers?(A) No, thank you.(B) Yes, it is.(C) Until this summer.라디오판촉행사가새로운고객들을끌어들이고있나요?(A) 아니오,괜찮습니다.(B) 예,그래요.(C) 이번여름까지요.3. What’s that on your car?(A) It’s a bumper sticker.(B) It’s a billboard.(C) It’s a classified ad.네차에붙어있는게뭐니?(A) 범퍼스티커야.(B) 광고게시판이야.(C) 광고야.번역번역2. I’d like to take out a classified ad.(A) Who are you?(B) How long do you want it posted?(C) How much does it cost?광고를내고싶은데요.(A) 누구시죠?(B) 얼마동안내고싶으세요?(C) 비용이얼마드나요?4. Do you like our new logo?(A) Yeah, I do.(B) He’s the spokesperson.(C) Have a good time.우리의새로고맘에드세요?(A) 예,그래요.(B) 그가광고모델이에요.(C) 좋은시간보내세요.해설1.attract (주의를)끌다2.post (전단을)붙이다,공고하다17

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