Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ 13쪽에서 사용했던 신문을 이용해서 T/F 게임을 해 본다.1. There are many bumper stickers in a newspaper. (No.)2. Point to a promotion.3. This advertises a clothing sale. (Yes.)4. There are many classified ads in this paper. (No.)5. 배용준 is a spokesperson for LG. (Yes.)범퍼스티커(자동차범퍼에붙인선전,광고)판촉행사광고하다항목별 광고광고 모델,대변인bumper stickerpromotionadvertiseclassified adspokespersonThe bumper sticker on her car said “TV Kills. ReadBooks.”The promotion will last for 60 days.Let’s advertise our new product on the Internet.Take out a classified ad in the local paper to sellyour car.A popular entertainer is the spokesperson for thenew product.1. 그녀가차에붙인범퍼스티커에는“TV는사람을죽인다.책을읽자.”라고써있다.2. 이판촉행사는60일동안계속될것이다.3. 우리의새상품을인터넷에광고합시다.4. 차를팔려면지역신문에광고를내라.5. 인기있는연예인이그새상품의광고모델이다.B. Match the questions and answers.옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.1. Who’s the spokesperson? (A) Sure, you can.2. Did you see the classified ad? (B) A baseball player.3. What does your bumper sticker say? (C) “Recycle.”4. Can I borrow your radio this evening? (D) Yes, I did.1. 광고모델이누구죠?2. 광고봤어요?3. 네범퍼스티커에는뭐라고써있니?4. 오늘저녁에라디오좀빌려줄래?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.(A) 그래.(B) 야구선수예요.(C) “재활용합시다.”라고써있어.(D) 예,봤어요.Note✱ 옆사람과 질문-답을번갈아 가며 읽어보고,각자의 생각이담긴 대답을 해보게한다.1. Where didthey advertisethe sale (thepromotion,the car)?2. How long willthe sale last?161. (A) Where did they advertise it?(B) _______.(A) 그들이그걸어디에광고했나요?(B) 게시판에요.2. (A) How long will the promotion last?(B) We expect it to last _______.(A) 판촉행사는얼마나지속될까요?(B) 주말내내하기를바래요.3. (A) Have you seen the new _______?(B) No, not yet.(A) 새로고봤어요?(B) 아니오,아직.4. (A) Where did you read that?(B) I saw it _______.(A) 그걸어디서읽었나요?(B) 표제에서봤어요.NoteOn a banner/On leafletsIn the local paper/On a billboarduntil everything is sold out/for five weeks/all weekend/for a limited time onlydesign/logo/sign/layouton a magazine cover/on a bumper sticker/in a headline/online배너/전단/지역신문/게시판다팔릴때까지/5주동안/주말내내(금요일저녁~일요일)/제한된시간에만디자인/로고/간판/지면배치잡지표지/범퍼스티커/표제/온라인

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