Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 2. MediaT e s tListen and choose the right answer.✱ What’s hisjob?1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The boy is delivering newspapers.(B) The boy is looking at a magazine.(C) The journalist is writing a piece.(D) There are various magazines on the rack.(A) 소년이신문을배달하고있다.(B) 소년이잡지를보고있다.(C) 기자가기사를쓰고있다.(D) 판매대에다양한잡지가있다.번역(A) All of the journalists want to ask questions.(B) He is turning to the second page of the piece.(C) The headlines are appearing on the screens.(D) There are dozens of monitors above the men.(A) 모든기자들이질문을하고싶어한다.(B) 그는두번째기사페이지로넘어가고있다.(C) 표제가화면에나타나고있다.(D) 사람들위에수많은모니터가있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)✱ What is onthe screens?✱ Are theyjournalists?✱ What isnext tothe man?3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The camera is set up beside the street.(B) The journalist is using a computer.(C) The story will appear in the headlines.(D) They are listening to a radio report.(A) 길옆에카메라가설치되어있다.(B) 기자가컴퓨터를사용하고있다.(C) 이야기가머릿기사에실릴것이다.(D) 이들은라디오보도를듣고있다.15

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