Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.What is this? (그림의 여러 부분을 가리키며 묻는다)어휘와 문장들을 써보도록 한다.✱ What ishe doing?번역(A) He is reading an article in the newspaper.(B) The headline is at the top of the page.(A) 그는신문기사를읽고있다.(B) 표제가페이지맨위쪽에있다.1. (A) (B)√해설article (= piece) (신문,잡지의)기사✱ Is there a personin the picture?번역(A) The radio announcer is playing a song.(B) The antennas receive signals from stations.(A) 라디오아나운서가노래를틀어준다.(B) 안테나가방송국신호를수신한다.√2. (A) (B)✱ Does shework fora newspaper?3. (A) (B)번역(A) The journalist is taking a photograph of something.(B) This journalist appears on television.(A) 언론인이무언가를사진촬영하고있다.(B) 언론인이TV에나온다.√14

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