Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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UNIT2PART I. Picture Description: MediaW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ 신문을 가져와서 여러 부분을 가리키며 말해보자.Thisis a _______.5. What appears next to this piece?언론인,기자,보도관계자기사섹션표제나타나다,실리다journalist A journalist writes for newspapers and magazines.piece A piece about the blizzard in Russia was on the first page ofthe paper.section I like to read the sports section of the newspaper.headline Did you see the headline on the first page of the newspaper?appear The photograph appeared in many newspapers and magazines.1. 언론인은신문과잡지에글을기고한다.2. 러시아의눈보라에관한기사가신문1면에실렸다.3. 나는신문의스포츠섹션읽는것을좋아한다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.headline4. 신문1면의표제봤니?5. 많은신문과잡지에그사진이실렸다.해설✱ What can you see inthis picture?1. There are several _________ pieces<strong>by</strong> different journalists withinone _________ section of thisnewspaper.• phótograph 사진• photógrapher 사진가magnifyingglass2. The _________ headline of this piece_________ appears in large letters.번역1. 이신문의한섹션에는여러기자가쓴몇개의기사가실려있다.2. 이기사의표제는대문자로씌어있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ B✱ Is she readinga newspaper?The woman is reading a fashion magazine.번역 여자가패션잡지를읽고있다._________ A✱ Is there a personin the picture?This radio can be carried <strong>by</strong> its handle.번역 이라디오는손으로들고다닐수있다.13

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