Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Review 26. What is this advice about?(A) √ Choosing juice(C) Enjoying shopping번역무엇에관한조언인가?(A) 주스선택 (B) 가장싼가격찾기(C) 쇼핑즐기기 (D) 과일구매7. How does the woman feel about the union?(A) It is similar to management.(B) √ It is thinking about the workers.(C) It has laid off many workers.(D) It strikes too often.번역여자는노동조합에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 경영진과비슷하다.(C) 많은근로자를해고했다.(B) Finding the cheapest price(D) Buying fruit8. According to the passage, which of the following is probably true?(A) The man likes to celebrate Christmas.(B) The man’s house has many Christmas decorations.(C) The woman is not festive.(D) The woman likes to celebrate Christmas.번역√이글에의하면다음중옳은것은?(A) 남자는크리스마스기념하는것을좋아한다.(C) 여자는축제분위기가아니다.(B) 근로자들처지를생각한다.(D) 너무자주파업을한다.(B) 남자의집에는크리스마스장식이많다.(D) 여자는크리스마스기념하는것을좋아한다.6. (M) The best way to buy juice is to lookat the label first. Is it made from realnutritious fruit? Or does it just haveflavoring? Finally, look at the price.번역 (M) 주스를사는가장좋은방법은라벨을먼저살펴보는겁니다.진짜영양가있는과일로만든것인지,그냥맛만첨가한 것인지를보는거예요.마지막으로가격을보세요.7. (W) Why is the labor union striking?(M) They think management is laying offtoo many workers.(W) Well, that is an important issue.Workers need to be considered too.번역 (W) 노동조합이왜파업을하나요?(M) 경영진에서너무많은근로자를해고한다고생각하나봐요.(W) 그건중요한문제군요.근로자들처지도생각해줘야해요.8. (W) So, are you all set up for the holidays?(M) No, but my family doesn’t reallycelebrate Christmas. We don’t even havea tree.(W) Wow, your house doesn’t sound veryfestive.번역(W) 너희가족은휴일준비를다했니?(M) 아니,그런데우리가족은사실크리스마스를기념하지않아.심지어우리집엔크리스마스트리도없어.(W) 와,너의집은축제분위기가나지않겠는걸.9. What is the customer getting?(A) A new account(C) A new ID번역고객은무엇을받는가?(A) 새계좌(C) 새신분증10. How does the man feel about the city’s services?(A) City workers tell lies.(B) The garbage collection is excellent.(C) The postal service is very quick.(D) The city services are not good.번역√남자는시의업무에관해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 시공무원들이거짓말을한다.(C) 우편업무가아주신속하다.(B) 귀중품보관장소(D) 월수표√(B) 쓰레기수거를잘한다.(D) 시에서수행하는업무가좋지않다.(B) A place to store valuables(D) A monthly check9. (W) In order to get a safety deposit box, youmust provide two pieces of ID and youraccount number. The fee for the box is$20 and is paid monthly.번역(W) 안전금고를이용하려면2개의신분증과계좌번호를제출해야합니다.안전금고수수료는20달러이며매월지불해야합니다.10. (M) Has the postman delivered today’smail yet?(W) Not yet. Also the garbage has notbeen picked up yet either.(M) Unbelievable! I’m going to write aletter to the city!번역 (M) 우체부가오늘우편을배달했나요?(W) 아직.쓰레기도아직수거해가지않았어요.(M) 믿을수가없군요!시에항의편지를써야겠어요!127

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