Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Review 2PART III. Short Conversations & TalksListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What does the man think?(A) Being a paramedic is easy.(B) Paramedics never do first aid.(C) √ Paramedics must treat many injuries.(D) He wants to be a paramedic.번역남자는무슨생각을하는가?(A) 응급의료진되는것은쉽다.(C) 응급의료진은많은부상을다뤄야한다.(B) 응급의료진은절대응급처치를하지않는다.(D) 그는응급의료진이되기를원한다.1. (M) I could never be a paramedic.(W) Me neither. Doing all that first aidis not easy.(M) Or seeing all those injuries.번역 (M) 난응급의료진은절대될수없을거야.(W) 나도그래.그모든응급처치를하는게쉽지않아.(M) 부상당한모습을보는것도그래.1262. According to the passage, what is <strong>Step</strong>hen Hawking famous for?(A) Meeting brilliant scientists (B) √ Having new ideas(C) Changing old theories (D) Doing new experiments번역이글에의하면스티븐호킹은무엇으로유명한가?(A) 훌륭한과학자만나기(C) 낡은이론바꾸기3. What did John do?(A) Started a company(C) Quit his job번역√존은무엇을했는가?(A) 회사창업(C) 퇴사(B) Made a notice(D) Started a new hob<strong>by</strong>4. What does the man usually do on Saturdays?해설(A) Teaches(B) Gardens(C) Lounges around(D) Learns something번역남자는토요일에보통무엇을하는가?(A) 가르치기(C) 그냥돌아다니기5. What will they do?(A) √ Go to a different show(C) Go home번역이들은무엇을할까?(A) 다른공연을보기(C) 집에가기(B) 새로운아이디어창출하기(D) 새로운실험하기(B) 게시(벽보)(D) 새로운취미활동√(B) 정원손질(D) 무언가배우기(B) ‘캣츠’보기(D) 개막일입장권사기2. (W) One of the most brilliant scientistsrecently is <strong>Step</strong>hen Hawking. His newideas in physics have created many newtheories. Scientists are now doingexperiments to check his hypotheses.번역3. (M) Did you hear that John gave notice?(W) No. Why did he do that?(M) He got a better offer from another번역번역company.(M) 존이퇴직통보를했다는이야기들었어?(W) 아니.그가왜그랬지?(M) 다른회사에서더나은일자리를제시했대.4. (W) It’s Saturday! Don’t you have sketchingclass today?(M) No, it was cancelled. The teacher hadto go to a school meeting.(W) In that case, let’s do some gardening inour backyard.(W) 토요일이야!오늘스케치수업없니?(M) 취소됐어.선생님께서학교회의에가야한대.(W) 그러면우리뒤뜰에서정원손질을하자.(B) See Cats(D) Buy tickets for opening night5. (M) So, did you get the tickets for Cats?(W) No, it was sold out. Everyone wants togo to opening night.(M) I guess we’ll have to try to see ThePhantom instead.번역(W) 최근가장뛰어난과학자중한사람은스티븐호킹박사이다.물리학에있어서그의새로운아이디어는많은새로운이론을만들어냈다.과학자들은그의가설을확인하기위해실험을하고있습니다.· offer 제안,제의(M)‘캣츠’입장권구했어요?(W) 아뇨,매진됐어요.모두들개막일저녁공연을보려고해요.(M) 그러면대신‘유령’을알아봐야겠군요.

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