Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Review 2(A) The woman is checking her safety deposit box.(B) The ATM is broken.(C) The bank book is in the slot.(D) The woman is standing near the ATM.(A) 여자가안전금고를확인하고있다.(B) 자동인출기가고장났다.(C) 통장이홈에끼워져있다.(D) 여자가자동인출기근처에서있다.7. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√PART II. Questions & ResponsesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√√2. (A) (B) (C)3. (A) (B) (C)√√4. (A) (B) (C)5. (A) (B) (C)√6. (A) (B) (C)√7. (A) (B) (C)√8. (A) (B) (C)√9. (A) (B) (C)√10. (A) (B) (C)번역번역번역번역번역1. Did you see today’s headlines?(A) I have a headache.(B) The journalist was so busy.(C) I was so shocked!오늘신문머릿기사봤니?(A) 머리가아파.번역(B) 기자는너무바빴어.(C) 나는너무놀랐어!3. What treat do you want to buy?(A) Some cookies.(B) A steak.(C) Trick or Treat!어떤과자를사고싶니?(A) 쿠키요.(B) 스테이크요.번역(C) 과자안주면골탕먹일거야!5. Can I see your lab report?(A) The lab looks dirty.(B) I’m not finished yet.(C) When is it due?실험보고서보여줄래?(A) 실험실이더러워.(B) 아직못끝냈어.(C) 언제까지내야하니?번역7. How is being a check-out clerk?(A) Let’s check out the departmentstore sales.(B) I enjoy using the cash register.(C) I always use cash.계산원일어때?(A) 백화점할인판매알아보자.번역(B) 금전등록기를사용하는게재미있어.(C) 나는항상현금을사용해.9. In case of fire, what will you do?(A) Fire the foreman.(B) Go down the fire escape.(C) Make a fire.화재가나면어떻게할거니?(A) 현장주임을해고해요.번역(B) 화재비상장치를타고내려가요.(C) 불을내요.2. Have you finished yourassignment yet?(A) I’m still working on it.(B) Your assignment looks good.(C) Yes, I’m graduating this year.숙제끝냈니?(A) 아직하고있어.(B) 숙제잘했구나.(C) 예,올해졸업해요.4. Is that a new lens on yourcamera?(A) I want to buy contact lenses.(B) I got it last year.(C) My camera has a zoom lens.네카메라에달린게새렌즈니?(A) 콘택트렌즈를사고싶어.(B) 작년에샀어.(C) 내카메라에는줌렌즈가달려있어.6. Where is that new sculpture?(A) It’s on the pedestal.(B) It’s beautiful.(C) It’s expensive.새조각상이어디있니?(A) 받침대위에있어.(B) 아름다워.(C) 비싸.8. What does this plant manufacture?(A) Manpower.(B) Raw materials.(C) Heavy duty machinery.이공장에서는무엇을제조하니?(A) 노동력이야.(B) 원료야.(C) 튼튼한기계야.10. How can I check my balance?(A) Use the ATM.(B) Take out some money.(C) Insert it into this slot.내잔고를어떻게확인할수있나요?(A) 자동인출기를이용하세요.125(B) 돈을조금인출하세요.(C) 그것을이홈에넣으세요.

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