Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 14. Bank and MoneyExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. When would the customer like the appointment?(A) Thursday(B) Today번역√2. What does the bank require people to do?(A) Fill out loan applications (B) Fill out applications for accounts번역√3. What is NOT on the application?(A) His address(B) His signature번역4. Why does he need a loan?(A) To buy a car번역√고객은약속을언제로잡고싶어하는가?(A) 목요일 (B) 오늘은행에서사람들에게요구하는것은?(A) 대출신청서작성 (B) 계좌신청서작성신청서에없는것은?(A) 주소 (B) 서명그는왜대출을원하는가?(A) 자동차를사려고 (B) 사업을하려고√(B) For business1. (M) I need to make an appointment to get aloan from the bank.(W) OK, what day and time would you like tocome in?(M) I’d like to come Thursday at 4:00.번역 (M) 은행대출을받기위해서약속을잡고싶어요.(W) 좋습니다.몇일몇시에오시겠어요?(M) 목요일4시에가겠습니다.2. (W) The bank requires customers to fill outloan applications before we can give youa loan. Please fill out all the information번역번역and return the application to a teller.(W) 은행에서는고객들에게대출을해주기전에대출신청서를작성하도록합니다.모든정보를작성하시고출납계원에게제출해주십시오.3. (M) I finished the loan application.(W) Is your signature on the application?(M) Oh, I forgot to sign it.(M) 대출신청서를다작성했습니다.(W) 신청서에서명하셨나요?(M) 오,깜빡잊었군요.4. (M) I would like to borrow $5,000because I need to buy a car. I havetwo letters of reference here. I alsohave my credit report.번역 (M) 자동차를사야하기때문에5천달러를대출하고싶습니다.여기두장의신원증명서가있습니다.신용평가서도가지고왔습니다.해설 reference 신원증명서,조회서T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What has the man lost?(A) His credit card(C) His signature번역남자는무엇을잃어버렸나?(A) 신용카드 (B) 은행카드 (C) 서명 (D) 통장(B) His bank card(D) His bank book2. What is the service charge for?번역(A) To fill out applications (B) To pay the tellers(C) To replace lost bank cards (D) To get a safety deposit box번역√3. What will the man do?(A) Use the calculator(C) Pay the service charge번역√무엇에대한이용수수료인가?(A) 신청서작성 (B) 출납계원에게지불 (C) 분실한은행카드교체 (D) 안전금고이용√(B) Sign up for a PIN number(D) Speak to a teller남자는무엇을할까?(A) 계산기를이용한다 (B) 비밀번호를신청한다 (C) 이용수수료를지불한다 (D) 출납계원에게말한다3. (M) Will I be able to use my new bank card inthe ATM machine?(W) Yes, you will need to get a PIN number first.(M) How do I get a PIN number?번역해설1. (M) I’ve lost my bank card and I need to get anew one.(W) Do you have something with yoursignature on it?(M) Yes, my credit card has my signature on it.번역(M) 새은행카드로자동인출기를이용할수있나요?(W) 예,먼저비밀번호를받아야합니다.(M) 비밀번호를어떻게발부받죠?(M) 은행카드를잃어버려서새카드를발급받고싶어요.(W) 서명이되어있는물품이있나요?(M) 예,제신용카드에서명이되어있어요.2. (W) There is a service charge of $5.00 toreplace lost bank cards. When you getPIN (= personal identification number)your new card, please sign the back.(W) 분실한은행카드를교체하려면5달러의이용수수료가붙습니다.새카드를받으면뒷면에서명을해주십시오.121

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