Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.계산기대출동전서명이용수수료calculatorloancoinsignatureservice chargeUse the calculator to add up all your money.The bank gave me a $1000 loan.It makes my wallet heavy when I have too many coins.Please put your signature on the bottom of the check.There is a monthly service charge on the savings account.1. 계산기를이용해서총액을계산하세요.2. 은행에서내게천달러를대출해주었다.3. 동전이너무많으면지갑이무거워진다.4. 수표밑에서명을하세요.B. Types of Questions: Bank and Money5. 예금계좌에는월별이용수수료가붙습니다.해설5.savings account 보통예금(계좌)120a. Main Idea What does the bank require people to do?What does the customer want to exchange?b. Inference What will the man do?What kind of fee is being described?c. Cause and Effect What is the service charge for?Why does he need a loan?d. Facts and Details Where is the calculator?What has the man lost?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: Is there a calculator here I can use?번역W: Yes, it is on the counter with the deposit forms.M: Thank you. I need to calculate the amount of my deposit.1. Where is the calculator? __________ ❷W: The monthly fee on the savings account is $7.00 a month. Thatincludes unlimited use of ATMs and bank statements that will bemailed to your home. It does not include fees for any safetydeposit boxes.2. What kind of fee is being described? __________ ❶M: I would like to exchange these coins for dollar bills.W: How many coins do you have?M: I have three rolls of coins. I think it is about $12.00.3. What does the customer want to exchange? __________ ❸The service charge On the counter Coins In the bank book❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역번역M 사용할수있는계산기있어요?W 예,계산대위에예금양식과함께있네요.M 고마워요.예금액수를계산해야해요.1.계산기는어디에있는가?계산대에W 예금계좌에붙는월별수수료는한달에7달러입니다.여기에는자동인출기무제한이용및집으로우편발송되는은행명세서이용이포함됩니다.안전금고이용에대한수수료는포함되지않습니다.2.어떤수수료를얘기하고있는가?이용수수료M 이동전들을달러지폐로교환하고싶어요.W 동전이몇개나되죠?M 세뭉치가있어요.12달러쯤될거예요.3.고객은무엇을교환하려하는가?동전

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