Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.출납계원안전금고자동인출기은행카드명세서tellersafety deposit boxATMbank cardstatementThe teller at the bank can help you with yourbanking.I put my valuables in a safety deposit box.ATM machines are very convenient.I can use my bank card like a credit card.Read the bank statement carefully to checkif it is correct.1181. 은행출납계원이당신의은행일을도와줄겁니다.2. 나는귀중품을은행의안전금고에둔다.3. 자동인출기는아주편리하다.해설 3.ATM (= automated teller machine)B. Match the questions and answers.1. Who is next in line? (A) Right beside the entrance.2. Do you have a bank card? (B) I am.3. Would you like your statement? (C) No, I don’t.4. Where is the ATM? (D) If it’s not too much trouble.1. 다음손님?2. 은행카드있어요?3. 명세서를드릴까요?4. 자동인출기가어디있나요?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Do you have your _______ with you?(B) Yes, I do.(A) 수표있어요?(B) 네,있어요.2. (A) Where are the _______?(B) Right over there.(A) 출납계원이어디있죠?(B) 저쪽에있어요.3. (A) How can I help you?(B) I’d like to _______.(A) 도와드릴까요?(B) 예금을하고싶어요.4. (A) What services would you likewith your account?(B) I’d like _______.해설(A) 어떤계좌서비스를원하세요?(B) 월별명세서를원해요.3.deposit (돈을)맡기다,예금하다4. 나는내은행카드를신용카드처럼사용할수있다.5. 은행명세서를잘읽고맞는지확인하세요.(A) 입구바로옆에있습니다.(B) 접니다.(C) 아니,없어요.(D) 번거롭지않으시다면.NoteNotecredit card/bank card/checks/moneyATMs/tellers/offices/safety deposit boxesmake a withdrawal/make a deposit/use the ATM/cash a checkmonthly statements/a check book/a bank card/a credit card신용카드/은행카드/수표/돈자동인출기/출납계원/사무실/안전금고인출/예금/자동인출기사용/수표현금화월별명세서/수표장/은행카드/신용카드

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