Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 13. Emergency ServicesExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why does he need the paramedics?(A) He is injured.(B) A child has an injury.번역√남자는왜응급의료진을필요로하는가?(A) 그는다쳤다.(B) 아이가부상을입었다.1. (M) I’ve been in a car accident and I thinkI’m hurt.(W) Do we need to send the paramedics?(M) Yes, I think I will need first aid.번역 (M) 자동차사고를당했는데제가다친것같아요.(W) 응급의료진을보내드려야하나요?(M) 예,응급처치가필요해요.2. What does he hear?번역√(A) Sirens3. What will the person check?번역√그는무엇을듣는가?(A) 사이렌 (B) 자동차경적(A) His injury이사람은무엇을확인할까?(A) 남자의부상 (B) 자동차4. What did the person break?(A) His arm번역 이사람은무엇이부러졌는가?(A) 팔 (B) 다리해설 2.get stuck ~에끼다,막히다(B) Car alarms(B) The car√(B) His leg2. (M) I hear the sirens from the ambulance sothey must be close <strong>by</strong>. I hope they don’tget stuck in traffic!번역 (M) 구급차사이렌소리가들리는걸로봐서가까이왔나봐.교통이막히지않아야할텐데!3. (W) Did you call for an ambulance?(M) Yes, I’ve had a car accident and I am hurt.(W) Don’t move and I will check your injury.번역 (W) 구급차를요청했나요?(M) 예,자동차사고가나서제가다쳤어요.(W) 움직이지마세요.제가상처를확인해보죠.4. (W) You have broken your leg. I am going tocarefully lift you out of the car and takeyou in the ambulance to the hospital. Adoctor will help you when we get there.번역 (W) 다리가부러졌군요.당신을조심스럽게차에서빼내구급차로병원에데려가죠.거기가면의사가도와줄겁니다.T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Where is the fire?(A) In the bedroom(C) In the living room번역어디에서화재가났는가?(A) 침실 (B) 부엌 (C) 거실 (D) 욕실2. What caused the smoke?(A) A cigarette(C) Burning food번역√무엇때문에연기가났는가?(A) 담배 (B) 거실벽난로 (C) 타고있는음식 (D) 고장난사이렌(B) In the kitchen(D) In the bathroom(B) The living room fireplace번역(D) A broken siren3. What is she going to get for her house?(A) A hose(B) Water(C) A fire alarm(D) A fire extinguisher번역 그녀는집에무엇을마련하려하는가?(A) 호스 (B) 물 (C) 화재경보기 (D) 소화기3. (W) I’m not sure what to use to put out the fire,water or something else.(M) For some fires you can use water, but a fireextinguisher will put out all kinds of fires.(W) Thanks for your suggestions. I think I’ll get afire extinguisher for my house.√√번역1. (M) Hello, is there an emergency?(W) Yes, there is. I was cooking when afire started in the oven. I need afire truck to come to my house.(M) OK, stay calm and we will send a번역(W) 무엇으로불을꺼야할지모르겠어.물인지다른건지.(M) 어떤불은물로끌수있지만소화기를사용하면모든불을끌수있지.(W) 말해줘서고마워.집에소화기를마련해야겠다.fire truck right away.(M) 여보세요,긴급상황인가요?(W) 예,요리를하는데오븐에불이붙었어요.저희집으로소방차를보내주세요.(M) 알겠습니다.침착하세요.저희가당장소방차를보내죠.2. (W) I was in the living room whensuddenly the fire alarm went off.Then I saw the kitchen was full ofsmoke. I turned off the oven. Thefood inside the oven was burning.(W) 내가거실에있었는데갑자기화재경보기가울렸어.봤더니부엌이온통연기로가득찼어.나는오븐을껐지.오븐안에들어있던음식이타고있었어.113

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