Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 13. Emergency ServicesExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.1. (A) I can’t see it.√(B) At my house!√2. (A) Yes, I do.(B) I am.3. (A) I have two cats.√(B) Everyone’s out.√4. (A) No. Do you?(B) The ambulance.Where is the fire?번역 화재가어디서났나요?(A) 보이지않아요.(B) 저희집이요!Do you need this hose?번역 이호스가필요한가요?(A) 예,필요해요.(B) 저는그래요.How many people are in the house?번역집에몇사람이있나요?(A) 고양이두마리가있어요.(B) 모두나왔어요.Do you smell smoke?번역연기냄새가나나요?(A) 아니오,당신은요?(B) 구급차예요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. My house is on fire! Whatshould I do?(A) Call an ambulance.(B) Call a fire truck.(C) Call the police.저희집에불이났어요!어떻게해야하나요?(A) 구급차를불러요.(B) 소방차를불러요.(C) 경찰을불러요.3. Where is the fire?(A) It’s the smoke.(B) In the kitchen.(C) It is hot.화재가어디에났나요?(A) 연기예요.(B) 부엌에요.(C) 뜨거워요.번역번역2. What can I use to put out a fire?(A) A fire extinguisher.(B) An ambulance.(C) Get help.불을끄려면무엇을사용하면되나요?(A) 소화기요.(B) 구급차요.(C) 도움을구해요.4. Where do you live?(A) Use the fire escape.(B) I’m at school.(C) On Main St.어디에사나요?(A) 화재피난장치를이용하세요.(B) 저는학교에있어요.(C) 메인스트리트에살아요.111

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